Breakfast For Four

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I sat in my bed, staring up at the white ceiling the entire night.

Is Drew ever going to come home? I thought to myself.

We had gotten into a big fight, and I had no idea where he went.

"I'm going for a walk." Was the last thing he said to me before he stormed out the door.

Where would he go? Delilah's? Maya's?

Did he take his car, or maybe just walk to Ashley's, since she's the closest.

Did I go too far? I asked myself.

Of course I did, is that even a question? I brought up his suicide for heavensake, he could've been triggered from it. It's a serious topic to talk about, especially with Drew.

I'll just call him when he wakes up, and apologize. I'm sure he'll understand.

Or will he?

Something that confused me, was if he never wanted a second chance at life. He didn't want me to bring him back from the other side. But why wouldn't he? He seemed so into me on the other side, and now all of a sudden, he's just over me?

It wasn't adding up, none of this was.

Drew also claimed that I didn't love him. Why would he say that? Of course I love him! He was the main reason I wanted to bring all of my friends back. He gave me the hope and the help that I needed to succeed in bringing them all back.

So why all of a sudden does he switch on me that way?

The things he told me on the other side, they were true, right? What he said in the library, and in the dorm.

Did we break up? Was that the end of us? Just some stupid fight. After everything we've been through, the other side, the wood hive, Luna, this is the thing that split us?

All the stressful thinking made me grow tired, and soon I fell asleep, sitting in my own tears.


The next morning, he still wasn't here.

It was only 10, but it seemed like it was noon.

Madeline was at the table by herself.

My stomach dropped as I saw her figure sitting at the table.

She heard us.

Madeline heard Drew and I fight last night, a screaming fit.

I sigh, making my way over to her.

She was eating a bowl of cereal, with her phone in her left hand. She was texting someone. Not sure who.

"Morning," I say quickly, trying my best to avoid contact with her. I stuck my head in a cabinet, trying to hide myself.


"Hey," she finally says.

"Sleep well?" She asks me.

I turned around to face her, she was pouring herself more cereal.

"Um, not really," I reply honestly.

She nods. "Not surprised."

The vibe was off, entirely. The house was empty, just the two of us in the house that's usually filled with at least three people, roaming the place.

I froze, staring at her, then sighed again. Exhaling the warm breath from my nose. "You heard us, didn't you?"

Madeline looks up from her meal, slowly nodding her head. "Kinda hard not to."

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