Visiting Hours

49 22 10


The girls and I decided to head out to the Masquerade Striders HQ the next day.

We felt it was best to ask around, try to get anything out of them.

All four of us set out early the next day, hopping into Maya's dodge and driving.


Half an hour we finally arrived at the HQ, the scenery fitting the same the last time we left it.

Walking through the gates, we were reintroduced to the large space, all types of fun decorations hanging from the balcony. The wind blowing around the town, causing some of the decorations to spin around chaotically. All of the friendly colors were around us, it's a shame that we were kinda enemies with them.

Spending your life here didn't sound too bad, at least for the little kids. Growing up in a stable place, where you're protected, and don't have to worry about being afraid to show off your powers, or being stolen.

"Where do we go?" Maya whispers in my ear.

I continued to look around, spotting out the different store booths that were made by wood, and was surrounded by middle aged women.

"Just follow my lead, don't draw attention to us." I whisper to Maya, tapping her shoulder.

They all hum in agreement, shortly following after me.

I walked over towards the women, she had grayish hair, and wore a baby pink dress with a white apron over it. Stood in front of her, were a series of baked goods. They looked fresh out of the oven, and they even smelled good.

She smiled at us, noticing us peering out from the shop.

"Hi! Could I offer you any pie? I just made some cherry and apple." She says softly. Her accent was settle, and comfortably.

I flash a smile at her. "No thanks, I actually wanted to know if I could get my hands on Crystal?" I ask her, declining her offer.

She frowns, "the queen?" I nod.

"Last I checked she was busy. But if you wanted to find her, look in her palace. Second building, fourth floor." She says, seeming uninterested in us now.

"Thanks," I tap on her booth.

The others and I walk to the tall building that is labeled, "2" and walk through the large glass doors.

From there, I remember where the room was, from the other night.

We walk up a couple flights, and through different sets of hallways until we finally arrive at Crystal's room.

I knock on it, trying my best to not draw attention to us. Families were passing in the halls. Most of them had no idea who we were, and what we were doing here.

All of a sudden, Will bursts the open up, a disappointed look on his face.

We fly in, scanning the room. Stood there, was Crystal, Hazel, Madeline, and Adam?

Hazel looked like she was crying, her face red as a tomato.

"Oh great, more of Hazel's friend. I can't take this much shit in one day." Crystal says, scowling.

I blankly stare at all five of them, unsure of what to say.

"We came to get information." I state.

She rolls her eyes at me, sitting down at her throne. "Like you don't already have enough of that."

Hazel randomly says, "Crystal don't lay a finger on him. You don't just get to kill my friends because of something I did."

Crystal opens her mouth to say something, but before she could, Hazel and Madeline storm out of the room, banging the door shut behind them.

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