Big whoops

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When Gabrielle woke up she knew something was wrong. She could faintly hear Jack talking in the living room. She noticed that the door was shut, so that had to mean he shut it when he knew he would be getting loud. She forced herself up and out of bed so she could find out what was going on.

They had been back in the apartment after the trip to LA and everything was finally unpacked and setup. It really was a wonderful apartment and best of all, it was theirs. It really had come together better then she could have imagined.

As she opened the door she could hear Jack talking clearly.

"... That's bullsh!t. Why the f*ck would she pull something like this? What the hell is she thinking?... That doesn't give her the right to f*cking lie like that... She is crazy if she thinks this is going to... She is still asleep. I don't want to wake her up to just to have to deal with this crap."

Jack turned in his pacing and saw Gabrielle leaning in the bedroom doorway.

"Madalyn, she just got up. I will call you back."

Jack hung up the phone and walked over to Gabrielle and gave her a kiss good morning.

"Good morning sweet..."

"What's wrong Jack?"

"Gabrielle, it's too early..."


"OK, well Jaycee posted a video late last night. It's not good. She deleted it like an hour later but the damage was done. People saw it and copied it, so it's everywhere."

"OK... so how not good?"

"Well, lets see. You are a... Look, I wish you didn't have to hear this but... Here, just listen to it."

Gabrielle went to a stool in the kitchen as Jack put his phone on speaker playing Jaycee's video. He put it on the counter and went to make her some tea and to grab more coffee for himself. Gabrielle listened to the twenty minute video of Jaycee basically attempting to destroy her reputation.

She kept leading Jack on during their relationship? She was a slut and used sex get Jack away from her? She cheated on Jack before? She was already cheating on Jack again? She wasn't becoming the big star so she decided she would use Jack again? She was just using him until something better came along? She forced him to get engaged so he wouldn't back out of it because of obligation? We already moved into together because I didn't trust that he would stay if he was away from me? It was all part of a plan she had to chew Jack out and drop him again?

Jaycee just went on and on. Gabrielle was stunned at the level of hatred she heard. She understood that Jaycee was hurt and upset, but saying all these lies was too much. Gabrielle had really thought that after LA it was finally over, maybe not happily for Jaycee, but finally finished. She looked up at Jack with tears in her eyes as he came over with her tea.

"Jack you know I would never..."

Jack put the tea on the counter and pulled Gabrielle into a hug.

"Shh sweetheart. I know you wouldn't. I know none of that garbage is true."

He used his hand and raised her chin to look into her eyes.

"Baby anyone that knows you would know that... that load of sh!t is just that, sh!t."

He slowly brought his lip to hers in a loving kiss. After a moment he stepped back and smiled down at her before gently wiping her cheeks.

"I love you Jack. I just... I don't want you to ever doubt that. I know after what happened..."

"Sweetheart that is the past. It happened because of who we were and where we were then. We are past that. I know that and you know that. You don't have to worry about me doubting you because my ex went crazy and started vomiting crap."

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