Family discussions

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They entered the house to hear Cassie's loud voice coming from the kitchen.

"I can't believe she would say those things about Gabrielle. She is such a b!tch! How the hell can she blame Gabrielle for their break up? They were broken up weeks before Jack and Gabrielle ran into each other? How dare she say that about our sister. I am going to kick the sh!t out of her!"

Gabrielle and Jack walked into the kitchen as she finished that statement.

"Hey Cassie, glad to see you want to stick up for me. You really don't have to beat her up though, but thank you for the thought."

Gabrielle's parents came out of the other room and the six of them sat down to discuss the latest developments.


Madalyn was the first to speak after they relayed what they had learned about the video and the situation they were now in.

"So your saying that you believe she posted that stream of crap by accident? She isn't just playing you two? I mean how could someone make that big of a mistake?"

Gabrielle replied to her twin honestly.

"It does happen Madalyn. I think my year is proof of that. What are we suppose to do? Just assume she is still playing an angle? Jump all over her?"

Cassie jumped in.

"Yes Gabrielle you are. You are too nice sometimes. I know you want to believe that it was all just a mistake but you have to be real. You aren't always the best when it comes to reading people. She could be lying now for support so you guys don't attack her back."

Jack then spoke up.

"Cassie, your right. Sometimes Gabrielle is oblivious to things like people's intentions. But I think you will agree that I am not. I am pretty good at seeing through people. I think she is being serious, believe me... I do know Jaycee. This kind of screw up? Yup, I can see it happening to her. Look, I don't mean this as a mean thing, but you are giving her to much credit. She is smart, but she isn't all that devious. She wouldn't think of some long term revenge like your imagining. Besides when she comes by this afternoon with Olyvia we will know."

He took a sip of his coffee before he continued.

"Trust me I was always good at reading people... The last year forced me to really get even better at it. When we talk to her face to face I will know."

Gabrielle's father then spoke for the first time since sitting at the table.

"Jack I am not happy that someone is talking about my daughter like that but... What if you figure out that she is lying? What will you do then?"

Jack looked at Gabrielle and gave her a smile before looking her father in the eyes. They all watched as his smile dropped from his face.

"Then everyone will see that just because I have grown up and learned a little tact... I am still Jack. I will respond in kind. No one talks about my Gabrielle that way and gets away with it. Mr. Moses, trust me, I can still be the same a$$hole I use to be. The only difference now is I learned to control it. I will only direct it at someone that deserves it... Hurting my Gabrielle intentionally puts people at the top of my list."

Gabrielle smiled up at Jack and squeezed his hand. She turned to everyone else at the table.

"I honestly don't think it will come to that. But don't worry... Jack and I already discussed some things just in case... Worst comes to worse and we have a plan... Either way this evening we are going to put out a video to respond to it. The difference will be the tone of it."

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