Beach in the winter

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As they sat on the plane  Gabrielle was thinking back to New Years...

When they got to the party it was already in full swing. Almost all of their friends were back in town and they were looking forward to seeing them. This would be the first in a while. The discussions that followed really hammered home how much had changed in just over a week. It seemed like everyone but them had known that they would get back together eventually. Most were surprised that it was so soon and that it happened as quick as it did... but in the end they chalked it up to being a Jack and Gabrielle thing. They were rarely normal and tended to follow their own rules.

The party had been really fun. Every one of their friends had expressed support for Gabrielle when the topic of the 'hit job video' came up. That was Jack's nickname for it. On the other hand they were amazed by the fact that Jack had finally asked Gabrielle to marry him. They all said that they figured Gabrielle would have had to force him to do it when she was fed up enough with waiting. Jack's reply still made Gabrielle smile.

"Look, I am not as smart as Gabrielle, but I am not an idiot... well some of the time. I was never going to let her get away again. For some reason she doesn't know she is too good for me. I couldn't give her time to realize that."

Gabrielle had replied with a smile and a joke.


" Happy new year."

Jack leaned down and met Gabrielle half way as their lips locked in a passionate kiss. All around them people were cheering and giving well wishes, but they were lost in their own little world. As the rest of the party began to sing they broke their kiss and Jack rested his forehead against Gabrielle's while looking deeply into her eyes.

"Happy new year sweetheart."

"Happy new year Jack. I love you baby."

"I love you too Gabrielle."

"Jack... I am not and never was too good for you. I was made for you like you were for me. I am sorry it took me so long to see that."

"Sweetheart, we are here. We are together. I think maybe things worked out just like they were suppose to. I needed to grow up and like usual, you were able to get me to do that. It was all worth it to get back to here with you, Gabrielle."

They ended up spending the rest of the night stuck to each other's hip.


Gabrielle turned to Jack who looked to be dozing off. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He opened his eyes and turned to face her.

"What was that for sweetheart?"

"For being you Jack. You look so cute when your like that... I couldn't help it."

"Well... I am awake again now, so what's on your mind?"

"Nothing much I was just thinking about New Years."

"That was a fun party. Even if I didn't get wasted."

"I think that I rewarded you for that pretty well when we got home."

Jack smirked a bit as he remembered their activities later that night. There was a reason that they didn't wake up until noon on New Years day.

"Baby, that made the sacrifice worth it... Even if everyone called me hen pecked for not drinking hard like they were."

"Ha ha ha. Well I think they were just jealous."

"Of course they were. Didn't stop them from being right though. I am wrapped around your little finger. It's just not nice to have it pointed out."

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