Old flame

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 Jack and Gabrielle arrived that his parents home about 12:30, about thirty minutes before lunch was scheduled for. When they pulled in Jack did little double take. He parked his truck and as they got out to get the presents from the back Gabrielle asked the question he was waiting for since he saw the car.

"Hey Jack, who's car is that? Did you sister get a new one?"

"That's Jaycee's car sweetheart."

"Did you know she was going to be here? Did you forget to mention something?"

Jack could tell from Gabrielle tone that she was only have teasing, but he could hear the underlying tension in her voice. Jack stopped gathering the gifts and pulled Gabrielle into a hug and then kissed her.

"I didn't have any idea Gabrielle. We can leave if it's a problem. We can just drop the gifts off and go. You can wait out here if you want."

"It's your family Jack. We can't do that."

"Yes we can Gabrielle. If this is going to be a problem for you then I will fix it. I love my family, but you are my number one priority. I understand if it's too soon for you to be in the same place she is."

"It's not that Jack. I know it's stupid but I can't help it. She was a big part of your life while we were apart. I know she was important to you. It's one thing to talk about her being somewhere, it's another to know we are going to see her. I can't help being a little jealous... I guess I just worry that you will wonder if you made a mistake."

Jack squeezed Gabrielle tighter and then forced her to look into his eyes.

"Gabrielle, the big mistake I made this year was letting you go and we have fixed that one. You have nothing to worry about sweetheart, you know that. Jaycee is a wonderful person. She will make some guy really happy, it just won't be me. It can't be me. No matter how great she is Gabrielle, she is not YOU. You are the one I am in love with sweetheart. You always were and you always will be. I will never regret anything as long as I end up with you."

Gabrielle could see the sincerity in his eyes. She leaned up and kissed him tenderly with all the love she felt in her heart at that moment. Jack returned her kiss and Gabrielle felt the tension drain out of her. When they pulled back she smiled up at him.

"I will be fine Jack. I am game if you are."

"There's my girl. We have to get this over with at some point since Jaycee is still Olyvia's best friend. She will be around. Just remember, I am yours, you never have to worry about that."

"I know Jack. I love you."

They gathered the presents and headed inside. Gabrielle couldn't help but feel that something was going to happen. When they walked into the house a little piece of Gabrielle wondered whether it would be good or bad.

"Hey everyone, Merry Christmas. We are here."


Lunch was nice but Gabrielle felt that it was a little off. Really she felt that it was the interactions with Jaycee that felt off. She had been friendly and easy going, but Gabrielle felt like she was forcing herself. Their were times she felt like Jaycee was on the verge of snapping and attacking her. When Jaycee heard they were engaged she seemed disbelieving. Once she even caught Jaycee staring at her engagement ring with jealousy or longing. It made Gabrielle sixth sense go off like radar.

It turned out that Jaycee had come over to surprise Olyvia and Jack's family. They had no idea she was going to visit and of course couldn't just turn her away. Once all the gifts were done including one for Jack from Jaycee that Gabrielle was not very happy about. She didn't like that Jaycee would give her fiancé a necklace engraved with J&J after they had already broken up. Jack seemed to think they same as he thanked her but didn't move to pull it out of the box. Jaycee looked a little saddened when he did that.

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