Hotel Cali

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They reached the hotel around 9:30pm. It was decided that they would put their stuff in the rooms and then come down to go grab a late dinner in one of the hotel restaurants. There were two and they were both open until 11.

When Jack and Gabrielle came back down to the lobby they noticed everyone was already there waiting. They could feel a very frosty vibe between Jaycee and Cassie while Olyvia looked like she was stuck in the middle. Madalyn seemed to not be happy, but trying to not get involved. Jack and Gabrielle shared a look and walked over. Jack broke the silence.

"Everyone ready to get something to eat? I am starving myself."

Madalyn spoke up.

"Yes, I think food sounds good. Lets go."

They went into the pub style restaurant and asked for a table for six. As the table was being setup Jaycee headed for the bathroom. So Jack took his chance.

"Olyvia we forgot to call Mom. Lets step out and just tell them we are fine while the table is being prepped."

"OK Jack.

Olyvia followed Jack out into the lobby. She knew that calling their parents was not on his mind.

"OK, what happened."

"It was stupid. Cassie was talking to Madalyn about how she was still surprised that their father helped you set up asking Gabrielle. Jaycee and I walked over and heard it and Jaycee said something about Gabrielle stealing you from her under her breath. Cassie responded that you two were meant to be and everyone who knew you two would recognize and respect that. Which lead to Jaycee saying something really nasty about Gabrielle. That's when Madalyn and I jumped in to calm them down."


"Jack, your old enough. Can you buy me a drink? I think I will need one... or maybe a few before we get back to Springfield."

"Olyvia, Dad would kill me. All right. Lets see if the peace will hold through dinner."


They made it through dinner without any blow ups. Jack and Madalyn kept the conversation going almost forcing the rest listen and be part of it. Between them they managed to keep it from being too awkward. Once they had all went back to their rooms Jack decided that he wanted to go down and have a swim and invited Gabrielle. She agreed and they both put on suits and headed down.

They were down there having fun for a while when Gabrielle had to run to the bathroom. While she was in there Jaycee had come down looking to relax in the pool herself. She saw Jack alone standing on the edge of the pool with his back turned to her and decided that she was going to take the chance. She dropped her towel and walked up behind him. She was reaching out to put her arms around him when she was spun around by a hand on her arm.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Gabrielle had come out of the bathroom and saw that Jaycee was about to make a move on her fiancé. She went to volcano level two in the 2 seconds it took her to reach them. When she pulled Jaycee around she saw the longing on her face go to anger.

"Nothing you crazy b!tch!"

Jack spun around and looked bewildered at the two girls seemingly about to have a meltdown in front of him.

"Nothing is not walking up and trying to put your arms around my fiancé when he doesn't even know you are there. Nothing is not making a move on someone who is engaged to marry someone else. You need to back off because you two are not together anymore."

"You know what I realized the last couple of days? You really don't deserve him. You already threw him away once, b!tch. Jack deserves a better woman then you. I am better for him then you. So what if I making a move? Are you afraid that maybe he would welcome it? Afraid that he might like it? He use to, he use to like it a lot. Are you scared that maybe he would miss how I would..."

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