Closer in the night

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When Jack and Gabrielle arrived back at his apartment they decided to wind down in the living room. Gabrielle went into Jack's room to change into a t-shirt for the night while Jack made her a cup of tea and then coffee for himself.

When they both had finally changed and were sitting together on the couch Gabrielle decided to bring up the worry that was causing her to have trouble relaxing.

"Jack, after what happened at my parents tonight... I am a little worried about what your family will think. I mean they won't be very happy that I am back in your life again after everything, will they?"

"You worry too much Gabrielle. I am sure they will be fine. I mean they will probably be surprised and I am sure they will worry a little that we could end up screwing up again. But I don't think you have to worry sweetheart. They don't hate or dislike you, they just didn't like how everything ended up happening. I am sure they will have an open mind and give us a chance to prove we are right in being together again."

"Are you sure Jack? I mean I allowed some horrible things to be said about you and..."

"Gabrielle, trust me. That's the past. They just want me to be happy. When they see how happy you make me they will be behind us again. I love you sweetheart and they will remember that they love you too."

"I love you Jack."

Gabrielle POV-

His words quieted the little voice of doubt in my head. I finally was able to relax and let go of the tension that had been there since visiting my parents. I leaned over and kissed Jack's lips softly. It was a sweet kiss of emotion. It made me feel warm inside. When I leaned back down and opened my eyes I could see him reflecting my smile.

"You are so beautiful, my own little angel."

I couldn't help blushing a little. He always could make me feel like I really was the angel he thought I was.

I couldn't help but kiss him again. The moment my lips touched his the need he planted in me this morning rose up from where it lay smoldering all day. The kiss deepened as he matched my passion with a fire of his own. I couldn't help it, I still wanted more. The kiss became a little harder and more needful. He responded to my need. I felt his lips move against mine. I felt his tongue asking for the entrance I was dying to grant him. His hand softly touched my neck and caressed my skin. I felt like I was on fire. Without breaking the kiss I turned around and moved myself so that I was straddling his legs. His other hand rose to stroke my hair as it fell down along my back. His hand then made it's way down my back and gently rose under the t-shirt I had put on. His finger tips were causing little shocks of pleasure as they softly danced along the skin of my back. I was feeling a heat I hadn't felt in a long time, It was building in my body as his other hand dropped to my lower back and pulled me closer to him. I felt like I was desperate to crawl right into his skin as the kissing never seemed to end. I was lost in a sea of passion and pleasure.

It felt like we were sixteen again, feeling all the newly discovered pleasures of the flesh together.

When we finally broke apart, the sounds of our heavy breathing filled the silence of the night. I looked deep into Jacks eyes and behind the passion and want I could see his love for me. I could see his happiness at being here with me. There were no doubts or worries about us in his gaze, just pure belief in me... in us. I looked into myself and I realized that I felt the same. There were no lingering thoughts from before. We were Jack and Gab and we would be for the rest of our lives.

"I missed you Jack. You have no idea how much I love you. You complete me and that will never change. I am never letting you go again."

"I will never let you sweetheart. You are my one and only and always will be."

I smiled down at him and pulled his lips back to mine. As the fire rose in my body and I was slowly losing my mind to the pleasure. I used my hand move his so that it rested on my backside. We may not go all the way yet, but there were still things I wanted to feel him to touch. Then I lost myself and my thoughts to the passion. I surrendered to the pleasure of his touch, I surrendered feel of his lips against mine, I surrendered to him and the way he was making me feel.

I know we lost track of time. For the next few hours we were like teenagers making out in the backseat of a car. Respecting our current limits, but pushing up to them passionately. We figured out how late it was when Jack had to run to the bathroom. When he came back I was beginning to feel a bit sleepy.

"Gabrielle, it's one in the morning."

I could only smile and let loose a little chuckle.

"Well time flies when your having fun."

"Yes, but it's late and we need to get some sleep. We have to head over to my parents tomorrow afternoon and I do need to workout and practice tomorrow. Not to mention we still haven't thought about how to deal with YouTube or social media."

Trust Jack to remember online. I had been trying to avoid thinking about it. I have no idea how to respond about this to everyone.

"I have no idea what to do about that Jack. Do you have any ideas?"

"Well I think we are going to have to face it head on. The story is already out there so the best we can do is deal with it straight up. We will come up with something. Jack and Gab are on the case so I have faith we will work it out."

"I trust you Jack. You were always better at that then I am."

"Your better then you think Gabrielle. After all, you learned from the best. Ha ha. But really, let's sleep on it. I will think about it when I am at the gym. Your welcome to come. But I have to warn you I will be going at 7."

"So early Jack? You? I guess I can do that. You will need to start waking me up at 6 then. You know I am still not a morning person."

"I know Gabrielle. I will get you up even though it will suck. Your so cute when your sleeping."

"That's why I like to stay that way in the mornings, so I look cute for you as long as possible,"

"Gabrielle, you are cute and beautiful at all times. That is something you can't do anything about. Now it's bed time. Come on sweetheart."

Jack helped me up and we went into his room and crawled into bed. Just like last night I curled up to his side and draped myself across him. I was really enjoying getting to feel him sleeping next to me at night again. I am not sure I can go back to sleeping by myself again after this. That is something we will have to talk about. I really don't want to go back to the way that was before. We are together again and this time I want us to be together. I wonder how Jack will take that?

I felt Jack kiss my forehead.

"Good night sweetheart. I love you."

"Good night Jack. I love you too."


Jack and Gabrielle drifted off to sleep knowing that tomorrow will end up being a full day.

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