Finishing the past

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 It was early afternoon on the day after Christmas and Jack and Gabrielle were knee deep in packing. From the moment Gabrielle had woken up she had pushed Jack into getting started. They had already run to his parents house to grab boxes. That took an extra hour as they were stuck having to explain that they were moving in together into a new apartment. The plan was to pack as much as they could by three and then they were going to run out to the store looking to fill in missing furniture.

While they were packing they discussed YouTube and the situation they were avoiding. Gabrielle had already replied to Julia, Katie, Emily, and a few others that she would talk to them later. It seemed like everyone was trying to contact both of them to find out more information. That lead them to make a few big decisions. One was that they were going to work on a video post to show Christmas Eve and their engagement. They hoped that they could get it done tonight or tomorrow if they both helped work on it. The next was going to be reviving the Jack and Gab Instagram account and posting a video on all 3 of their IG's informing everyone that might not be YouTube subs of their life changes.

But that was for later. Now it was 3pm and they stopped to look around. It was amazing how much they were able to pack and get ready to move. Basically everything except the bed, Jack's computer and desk, and the TV and stand was now in the living room ready to be moved. In fact he only had a couple of day's of clothes available to use, so time was of the essence for them to complete the move. Tomorrow they would hit Gabrielle's dorm.


When they finally finished shopping it was 6pm, but both of them were happy. They had picked out and purchased all the missing furniture and supplies they could think of needing. Most where scheduled to be delivered the day after tomorrow. The rest was piled into Jack's truck so they could drop them off later. They decided it was time for dinner and went to their favorite sushi restaurant. They had just gotten their rolls when Gabrielle's phone rang.

"Hi Ashley... Yes, Jack is right here... OK, let me put you on speaker."

Gabrielle looked baffled as she looked at Jack. She placed the phone on the table between them.

"OK Ashley we can both hear you now."

"Gabrielle, Jack, I wanted to warn you. Mark was just here. He was shouting for you to come out. When I went out on the deck and said you weren't here and to just leave us all alone he got really angry. He.. he threw a pretty large rock through our sliding door Gabrielle. There is glass everywhere. I called campus security but he and his two friends took off before they got here. Be careful guys. He was out of control. He kept saying something about you destroying his life and that he would find you."

Gabrielle was visibly upset as she looked up at Jack. Jack seemed perfectly still for a minute before he calmly reached over and took Gabrielle's hand.

"You will be fine Gabrielle. I won't let him touch you. God help him if he tries."

"Jack what if he hurts you?"

"Gabrielle, if he tries to hurt me I will take him down. If he tries to hurt you... well then his grand kids will still feel his pain. Don't worry."

"Guy's, the police are looking for him. Everything was on the security camera so he will be back in jail when they find him. I just wanted to warn you guys to be careful."

"Thank you for the message Ashley. I will keep Gabrielle safe. Don't worry. Do you need us to come over there and help clean things up?"

"You don't have to Jack. The maintenance staff are already on their way. Both my boyfriend and Kate's are coming over also. So we will be fine."

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