The Question

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Everything was ready. Jack had been able to sneak away and setup his camera. He had seen that Mr. Moses had placed the their old video camera in the window pointed out at the deck. It was hard to notice unless you where looking for it in the dark, and the MIC would pick up everything. Jack setup his camera on the table but hidden in the center piece. He was glad he had made sure that he brought the second full battery because they had actually recorded a lot tonight and the other one was getting low. He started the camera and went back inside to get Gabrielle. It was time.

Gabrielle POV-

I was a little annoyed when Jack went to the bathroom five minutes before midnight. I really wanted them to do their little tradition of making a wish on a star at midnight like they use to. It saddened me that he seemed to have forgotten about it. Then I heard him from behind me.

"Gabrielle it's two minutes to midnight. Shouldn't we head outside?"

I smiled as I turned around. He hadn't forgotten. I had to mentally smack myself for jumping to conclusions.

"Sure Jack, I'd like that."

We went outside and luckily it wasn't very cold. The sky was clear and the small layer of snow on the ground seemed to reflect just enough moonlight to make everything seem magical. I looked up at Jack and decided that maybe it was just the company that made me feel that way. I was still a little amazed that I was here with Jack after everything. I don't think anything could make tonight more perfect.

The clock struck midnight and we could hear everyone inside saying Merry Christmas. I turned to Jack and gave him a small kiss.

"Merry Christmas Jack."

"Merry Christmas Gabrielle. So what's your wish this year?"

"Jack, I already got my wish. I got you back. I don't want anything else."

"Well Gabrielle, I think you deserve more."


I felt my heart almost stop when I saw him go down on one knee. He just gave me back our promise ring this morning he couldn't be asking...

"Gabrielle, I love you. I love you more then I can ever explain. Everything we went through this year showed me how important you truly are to me. No one else can ever compare to my Gabrielle, my angel. I found out that my life really has no meaning if you aren't in it with me. I really believe that fate brought us back together because it knew we are ready to move on in our life together."

"I was planning to do this on your birthday this year, but I never got the chance. I was afraid that I never would. Now that I do, I am not going to wait and put off what I should have done two years ago."

"Gabrielle, I gave you my heart back in tenth grade and you have never let it go. I know now I could never get it back, because it will always belong to you. I can't imagine another day without you by my side. Being with you makes me the luckiest guy in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how special you are to me. I want to be able to spend everyday trying to make you feel the same happiness and love you fill me with. I want everyday to start and end with you."

"Gabrielle Moses, I love you with all my being. You hold my heart in your hands and your fingerprints are on my soul. Will you marry me?"

I felt like I couldn't breathe. When he opened the box and I saw the ring time seemed to stop. It was the ring I had pointed out over a year ago when we had been browsing. I couldn't believe that he had really gotten it. I couldn't believe that he was offering it to me after everything.

I couldn't stop the tears from my eyes as I looked down at my Jack. I could see his love radiating out and I could feel a warmth encompass my whole body. The man I love was asking me to marry him. I waited years for this to happen. I went almost a year thinking it would never come to pass. I couldn't help myself.

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