Still of the night

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It was approaching midnight by the time they were driving back to the city. Gabrielle was feeling tired from the long day as she stared out the window at the distant lights of the city flickering in the darkness. She was happy and content as she slowly played with his hand that she refused to release since they entered the truck.

"Gabrielle, you look exhausted. I think it's time for bed. Oh and your eye make up is wearing off. Does it hurt still?"

Gabrielle pulled out her phone and checked her makeup. Jack was right, the covering was starting to wear off. She gently felt around her eye and realized that it did hurt a little, she just had tuned it out all evening.

"A little. Not as much as this afternoon. I think it looks worse then it feels. I honestly had forgotten about it this evening."

"I know. I could tell. Gabrielle, I want you to know you don't have to hide anything from me. I knew it was there under the makeup you used to cover it. I love you no matter what sweetheart. You don't always need to look perfect remember?"

"I know Jack, I just didn't want anyone to be thinking or asking questions. I swear I wasn't trying to hide it from you."

"I will admit it was a good that you did. Because seeing it and remembering what happened to cause it makes me wish that the cops had shown up fifteen minutes later. He hurt you, you have no idea how much I wish I had another shot at him now."

"Jack, forget about it. He is not important. We are important. You stopped him. You saved me. I don't want you to go looking for trouble."

"Only for you Gabrielle. I will let it go, but I swear if he ever tries to come near you again I will..."

"I know that Jack. I know you will protect me and I love you for it."

Gabrielle was lost in her thoughts for a few minutes as she realized what awaited her back at her apartment. She hadn't had a chance to gather Mark's things yet and she was too tired to do it tonight. She really didn't want to be there right now. What's more, Gabrielle didn't want to be alone tonight after everything that had happened.

"Jack, can I ask you a favor?"

"She sweetheart, what's up?"

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Gabrielle that may be a little fast, even for us. I mean we just got back together today..."

"That's not what I meant you goof. I just mean I haven't been able to clean up my room you know, and I really am too tired tonight to worry about it. I just don't want to be there right now. I really don't want to be there alone tonight. Can I ..."

"Anything Gabrielle. I would like that, even if we just cuddle all night sweetheart."

"Thank you jack."

So Jack continued and just drove them back to his apartment. Luckily it was empty. Since John had moved out, only Keith was still there and he had already left to spend time at home until after Christmas. As they entered the apartment Gabrielle looked around. It all looked so similar yet different. There was new furniture in the living room and some new pictures on the walls. But it still felt like Jack's.

"Gabrielle, I am going to make you some tea. Why don't you go ahead and use the bathroom in my room to wash off your makeup. I know you will want to do that before bed."

"OK Jack. I will be right back."

Gabrielle walked into Jack's room and noticed that it hadn't changed much. She did see one surprise, there on the wall. It was the star map she gave him. She knew from a video that he had taken it down a while ago. But now it was back up in the same spot it always hung. She smiled at seeing that.

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