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 Gabrielle POV-

That was a really fun afternoon. Who would have thought that Jack would take us to our old miniature golf course. It really brought back memories. But it was so different. We talked and joked. He didn't do anything outrageous and it was still so much fun. He didn't even make fun of me, not even with the ice pack I kept having to hold up to my face. When he put his arms over mine on the eighth hole to take the shot with me... my skin was tingling. I could feel him against my back, his breath gently caressing my cheek, I really wanted to kiss him right then. It just brought back so many old feelings. Then he took us out to the park and we just walked and talked. It was like all the time apart just started to disappear.

I have no idea where this will go, but I suddenly have hope. What a day this has been. This morning I was moving up my plan to kick Mark to the curb, this afternoon I was spending time with the man I thought I would never have an another chance with... and it was better then before.

Jack was right. We both have grown during our time apart. I really think we might have a chance. Love was never our problem. We just got in it's way too much. Maybe everything that happened was life's way of of helping us become who we should have been. Maybe it always had a plan to... No, I am not going to think that far a head. Hope for it, yes, but think about it, no.

OK, I am clean now. Time to pick out something to wear for dinner. I want something nice, but it needs to have a little... sexiness too. Hmm, let's see what I we have. Hmm, that one. It will be a little cold outside, but it will be worth it when we get there and I can take off my jacket. Everyone loves a little black dress and it really makes me look good. I haven't even had a chance to wear it yet. OK, time to get ready and knock Jack's socks off. I only have an hour before he will be here.

End POV-



Jack arrived... on time. Gabrielle was impressed. She was happy that at least her roommates will stop pestering her on who she was going to dinner with. She had told them the basics about Mark being over and what happened. They were a stunned as she expected. Neither of them thought anything was out of place. They were very surprised to find that Gabrielle has started planning to end it a month ago. Gabrielle decided that she was a better actor then she thought.

Knock, knock, knock

Gabrielle went and opened the door and found a dozen red roses in front of her. She look at them and them up at Jack. She gave him a dazzling smile.

"Good evening Gabrielle. These are for you."

Jack held them out and Gabrielle gently took them from him. She raised them to her face and inhaled their wonderful fragrance. They were beautiful.

"Do you want to come for a minute while I put these in water?"

"Of course. Got to get this over with at some point"

As Gabrielle shut the door behind Jack and headed for the kitchen to put the roses in a vase her two roommates came out from Ashley's room.

"Gabrielle, is that your date that came in..."

Ashley froze as she looked down the hall at Jack. Gabrielle's ex. The guy she badmouthed on IG when they had broke up.

"Evening Ashley. Nice to see you again."

Ashley looked at Gabrielle in the kitchen and then backed to Jack.

"Jack... Gabrielle, your going on a date with Jack? Is that a good idea?"

Gabrielle just finished putting water in the vase and was leaving the kitchen to put the roses in her room when.

"No Ashley, It's not a good idea. I think it's a great idea."

Ashley looked lost for a minute before her shoulders drooped in defeat. She turned to Kate and introduced them.

"Kate, this is Jack. Jack, this is Kate. She is our new roommate this year."

Kate, who didn't know Jack, just a little of him decided to be straight forward.

"So your Gabrielle ex?"

"Well I guess you would call me her former ex. She has a new ex now."

"So you and Gabrielle are going on a date, tonight?"

"Well the second half of a date. We did the first half this afternoon."

"You don't think that's weird? You and her?"

"Kate, when it comes to Gabrielle and I, weird doesn't even come close. Trust me. You will see that in time."

Finally Ashley decided to swallow her pride and make the effort for Gabrielle.

"Look Jack, I am sorry for what I said..."

"It's all in the past Ashley. Gabrielle was upset, you said a lot of things thinking you were being there for her. I get that. I won't forgive you for what you said or how you twisted and blew things out of proportion, but I will forget about it for Gabrielle."

"I guess that's fair. I know you weren't that bad. Please don't hurt her Jack, I don't think she can go through that again."

"I won't Ashley. It wasn't my choice the first time either. I was willing to walk through hell to get her back, but I couldn't get her to give me the chance. To many people seemed to be in the way from it ever happening back them. I am not going to screw up this chance. I know you won't believe me yet, but I have changed a bit. I was forced to grow up, just like Gabrielle was. I really think if people will let us be, we will be fine."

Ashley was thinking about what Jack had said and was a little upset with herself. She was one of the people that had pushed Gabrielle to stay away from Jack back then. She was about to apologize again when he continued.

"I am not the same Jack you knew at the beginning of the year Ashley. I won't let anyone get in our way this time. I will not sit back and let things happen. I was a sarcastic, laid back, ass back then, anyone that thinks I still am will be in for a rude awakening. I have a chance to get my Gabrielle back, woe to anyone foolish enough to try to stand in my way. They better be ready for a fight, because I know I am."

Gabrielle decided she had let the conversation go on long enough. The truce was probably the best she was going to get between them. She came out and walked over to Jack and took his hand.

"All ready to go. You still haven't told me where you are taking me Jack. Ashley, just so you know, I agree with Jack. He won't be the only one fighting anyone that gets in our way. I will back him up every time."

'We are going to Ichiban Gabrielle."

Gabrielle looked up at Jack in surprise. Both Ashley and Kate seemed shocked.

"Jack, that place is like five start sushi. They have a reservation list going out months. How did you get a table in so short of a time?"

"Trade secret Gabrielle. I am sure you will find out tonight. Now lets be off. My table will be open from 5:45 on but I would feel bad if it was sitting empty during prime time. Nice to meet you Kate, Later Ashley."

"Bye girls. I will see you later."

With that Jack escorted Gabrielle out of the apartment.

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