To Grandmother's house we go

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They arrived at her grandmother's house right on time. Jack and Gabrielle were in a much better mood after the long talk with Jack's parents about life. It put the confrontation with Jaycee into perspective. When they went inside they were greeted by Gabrielle's family before her Grandmother walked over and gave Gabrielle a hug. She then stepped back and looked at Gabrielle for a long minute before nodding to herself and turning to Jack.

"Nice to see you again Jack. It's really nice that you finally made it out to my house. Merry Christmas."

She then moved in and gave him a hug while whispering in his ear.

"You've made my granddaughter happier then I have ever seen her. Don't screw up again my boy."

Jack nodded and whispered back.

"I promise I won't Grandma Moses."

She stepped back with a nod and lead them into the house. Gabrielle was dragged away by her cousins that had herd of her engagement and wanted to see the ring and hear about it. Jack walked over to Madalyn.

"Hey Madalyn, since I lost Gabrielle for a little while, can you show me where I can get us something to drink?"

"Sure Jack, come on. So how did it go at your house. Did you guys have fun?"

"Yes and no honestly."

"That sounds ominous. What happened?"

"Jaycee had surprised them by visiting. It didn't go well."

"Well Jack you had to expect something like that was going to happen."

"Honestly I didn't really think it would happen so soon. I hoped that maybe with more time things would have been less... explosive."

"Well Jack, even though you didn't love her, she loved you. She was probably hoping you would have changed your mind. I am sure when she saw you with Gabrielle, it just made her feel worse."

"I know Madalyn. I hate that I hurt her, but I can't do anything but be happy that things worked out as they have. Does that make me a bad person?'

"No Jack, it makes you human. You and my sister are... special. You really are. You two defy logic and common sense. You guys honestly are made for each other. Neither of you can be truly happy without the other. It isn't bad to be true to yourselves."

"Thank you Madalyn. Did I ever thank you for reaching out to me and staying my friend after everything went down?"

"Nope, but I understood. That was one of those things we avoided talking about remember?"

"Still, thank you. You really did help me regain my equilibrium over the summer. You made me feel like maybe I wasn't just the bad guy that people were saying."

"Jack, you were an ass a lot. You were crude, sarcastic, and sometimes annoying to the point of mean. You were never a bad guy. You just needed to grow up. I am proud to see how that has turned out. You were good with my sister before even with all the problems. You fixed most of your habits and your great with her now. I am so happy for Gabrielle. She got her keeper back even better then he was. I hope I will end up with someone even close to as good as you turned out to be Jack."

"I think that's the nicest thing you ever said to me Madalyn. Are you feeling alright?"

"Har Har Har. Here Jack, take these. That one is for Gabrielle."

"Thank you Madalyn. I will go brave the rest of your family to find my fiance and deliver her beverage to her."

Jack half bowed and went back to the living room to find Gabrielle.

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