New Day

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Loki could not see he could only hear and the words were mumbled but they chilled him as if some part of his brain understood them. It was cold his body feeling like it was being buffeted by strong winds he was shivering mentally and physically.
He felt as if some one was looking for him some one he did not want to find him because if they did their would be no peace. He fought the feeling pushing hard against the intrusion.
"Loki?" Nina was calling to him he broke the surface of his dream to open his eyes to her.
Nina was holding him and he was shivering her blue eyes concerned.
"It was a dream." Was all he managed before it seemed to slip away from him, leaving confusion in its wake.
"Your shivering" she said she had pulled the heavier blanket up around them.
Loki had not noticed that he was cold, him a frost giant was freezing feeling like he had been dipped in ice water. He pulled her warmth closer feeling her breath on his chest calming his shaking.
"Are you ok?" Nina had been awakened by his shivering.
"I am fine just a dream. How are you this morning my darling?"
Nina smiled cuddling close his voice vibrating through her.
"I'm fine,you?
"Wonderful." He pulled back from her to see her face. You would tell me if things were unsatisfactory.."
Nina blushed and chuckled.
"Did they sound like they were?"
"No." Loki laughed. "But I needed to be sure."
"Then be assured." She kissed his jaw line slowly dragging her lips down the strong line.
Loki shivered but not from cold but from desire at her touch.
He swiftly rolled her over in one quick movement causing her to squeak in protest. He had her pinned to the bed sitting on her upper thighs supporting himself over her with one arm as he dragged his other hand along her cheek and down her throat. He shifted supporting himself on both hands on either side of her  leaning down to claim her lips.
"Loki.." she closed her eyes squirming beneath him.
Loki pulled back admiring the flush on her cheeks, absorbing just the view of her.
Nina opened her eyes locking with his they held a strange look to them.
"Loki, is there something wrong?"
"No, I just want to remember you in every way possible." He slid to the side with a grin. "We should be doing some training."
"Are you serious, now? She sat up in disbelief he had to be kidding.
Loki stood stretching.
"You are greedy, I like that. But,I think you can wait. " he winked at her pulling himself away before he made a liar of himself because he was going to have a hard time waiting. "I'm going to use the shower my beauty."
Nina watched him go with a knot in her stomach she collapsed backwards onto the bed with a groan. Waiting, fine, two could play that game. It would be uncomfortable but if he could she could.
Nina rolled onto her side reaching for the phone turning it on it lit with a message from Ryan.
"Nina, more distortions are showing up S.H.I.E.L.D is asking Jane Foster to call Thor. They are hoping that he might know something but she says she's been trying for almost over a year. He hasn't been back since New Mexico."
Nina messaged him back telling him to keep her updated. She turned up the volume and set it back on the stand. She couldn't understand why Thor hadn't been back he clearly had a thing for Jane was something keeping him from coming? She was considering calling Jane when Loki came out a towel wrapped around his hips and looking very much like a God. She moaned internally this was going to be hard.
"You look like something is concerning you. What is it?" Loki sat beside her on the bed trying not to think how beautiful she looked tousled and still somewhat sleepy.
"Ryan messaged said more distortions are opening and closing. Nothing had come through but they are trying to call Thor through Jane."
"They wont be hearing from him." Loki stood his whole body tense he walked to the window.
"The idiot destroyed the Bifrost it will take time to rebuild."
"Why would he do that?"Nina asked watching him as he stood unmoving.
"He did not have a choice I was a fool." Loki locked his hands behind his back.
"What happened?" She got off the bed wrapping herself in a sheet and going to stand beside him.
Loki shook his head looking at the floor he didn't want to tell her but he felt he had to.
"I was angry and wanted to destroy Jotunheim my place of birth take vengeance on the place and people that shunned me. Thor destroyed it so I could not." Loki looked up at her for her reaction.
"You can't destroy a whole race for the actions of a few."
"My anger gets the better of me I lose all sense of direction and right and wrong. I told you I was dangerous I was not lieing. I am of Asgard but not, I am of Jotunheim but I am not. I am Odin my father's son but I am not. What am I really but an orphan denied all I thought I had worked for." He was getting angry but pushed it down he did not want it not then not with her.
Nina stepped into him wrapping her arms around him he hesitated then held her close.
"Your direction has been altered I understand but there is always a right path and wrong path. I believe you know the difference. If you keep this hate and doubt in you someone will use it. It's a weakness not a strength."
Loki placed his fingers under her chin tilting her face up to look down into her eyes.
"You will be my strength I have no need of worry if you are near me."
"I will try." She smiled as he leaned down to kiss her softly.
"Good, now shower we will eat and work on your skills."
"Skills huh?" She raised and eye brow sliding a hand down his chest.
"Not those not now." He groaned.
"Damn." She pouted making her her way too the shower.
Loki watched her go with a heavy sigh he wanted to keep her safe and to do that she had to train being his one was not a safe position.

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