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Loki could hear some thing in the back of his mind but could not distinguish what it was saying, it was enough to wake him. He pried his eyes open to the darkness of the room around him and the steady breathing of Nina draped over him. He smiled, his eyes gliding over her as she lay over his chest her arms over him her hair covering her face. He gently rolled her to the side placing her head on her pillow beside him and drew the covers up around her.
Loki could not understand the pull on him she had it was so complete that it was beyond him. He had never wanted anyone so much that it became impossible to ignore or control. He gave into it and regretted nothing listening to her sigh in her sleep he was content.
The voice again interrupting his train of thought and making him stain to hear it but still could not make it out.
Loki arose from the bed and pulled his clothes on being pulled to leave the house. He did not like being told what to do but he was curious as to what this was pulling him and why ,he slid his knives up his sleeves prepared for anything.
He followed the prompt to exit the cabin through the front door he stalked slowly listening intently for anything that was when he saw some thing near the tree line.
"I'm glad you live." The voice said as he went closer.
Loki drew his knives and cautiously approached the figure  who was facing away.
"Who are you and how do you know me."
The figure turned to him it was hooded wearing a mask that only was open at the mouth the snows glows not reaching inside the darkness.
"You don't remember do you?" The rough voice asked.
"Remember what?"
"You escaped us after we were ready to offer you so much, resurrected you after your fall from grace."
"I do not know who or what you are but I would like you to go back to where you have come from." Loki was tense feeling like he should know but not being able to find it in his mind.
"My boy, I can not do that we are in need of you and have so much to offer."
"I am not entertaining offers of any kind."
"What of the girl would she listen should we ask?"
Loki moved into attack stance at the ready to slice this thing to peices if he moved the wrong way.
"It will be your death." He growled.
"Ahh my boy I have no wish to harm her she could rule at your side."
"Rule what a dead planet." He remembered who this race was. " Your Chitauri."
"You are remembering. "
"No,but I remember your race a collective of Thanos slaves."
"Not slaves helpers." The figure titled its head.
"Slaves, I have no interest in your offers." Loki wanted him gone and far from Nina and earth as possible.
"You can have all you have ever wished, a throne a Queen at your side defeat of your brother."
"No, I will never agree to anything you or Thanos comes up with. You can tell him never."
"We will see my boy. It would be better if you came willingly. But we will give you a bit more time. Thanos is patient."
Loki watched the figure move into the trees disappearing his heart pounding in his ears.
Nina, he needed to get her out of there, but go where? If they had found him there they could find him anywhere. His breath caught in his throat thinking of what Thanos could be capable of  he had to remember what happened after he fell.
Loki turned back to the cabin sprinting he had to check on her make sure she was safe where he left her.
Nina was still sleeping as he entered the room not having moved an inch from where he had placed her. He breathed deeply leaning against the wall sliding down till he was sitting on the carpeted floor. He was afraid never in his life had he ever been afraid of losing anyone as he was at the thought of losing Nina. He had to remember if what the Chitauri said was true he needed to know what happened after his fall.
Loki pulled his legs in crossing them laying his palms on his knees and taking deep breaths closing his eyes and searching himself into his own memories.
Sadness,remembering the pain of Odins words and the release of death the peace, calm darkness.
Pain, shock, reverberating through him and a gasp of air that seemed to explode out of him as his life was forced back into him.  Being told he was needed that he could not die not yet refusing those words refusing Thanos. Torture pain beyond words beyond thought not being allowed to die though begging for it with every breath. His mind being invaded then left to suffer from the aftermath, he had escaped beaten bruised to fall again.
Nina startled awake hearing a deep moan of pain from beside the bed her heart slamming against her chest. She waited till her eyes focused and saw Loki curled on his side his hands to his head moaning again in pain. Sliding from the bed she reached to touch him but he jumped back swiftly to sitting against the wall his arms on his bent knees.
"Loki, what is it?" She tried to touch him. again and he cringed away.
"I have brought you danger ,that I can not imagine how we will escape from." Loki pulled his eyes to hers he looked beaten and it frightened her.
"I don't understand what's happened."
"I was visited tonight by the leader of the Chitauri. I have known something was calling to me but I have ignored it. Tonight I had no choice but to confront it. I have been made an offer of Kingship and dominance over what I don't know. By a creature who is hard to deny. I had to search my memories to remember it all. I was tortured they tried to make me agree to what they wanted. I was dead but they needed me alive. Now I have brought him to you." Loki wanted to vomit at the very thought of her coming in contact with Thanos. "They want us to rule together."
Nina stared at him her mind blank not sure she was understanding him and hoping to god she wasn't.
"I will leave here, they want me if I promise to do all they want it will be my demand they leave you. "
"I can't let you do that. We have to call S.H.I.E.L.D. some one to help." Nina pulled herself off the floor to the night stand where she kept the phone and pressed it on waiting for it to light up.
Nina fumbled for Ryan's number hitting the call button but the only sound was a busy signal. She tried again the dialed 911 and got the same tone each time.
Loki shook his head standing as well feeling as if he was carrying a planet on his back.
"We won't be able to reach anyone. I am Thano's property and no matter where I go he will find me.
"Then I go as well." Nina stepped into his arms.
Loki pushed her anyway.
"You do not understand! Do not ever say such things!" He walked passed her standing there clinging to the sheet wrapped around her.
"What do you expect me to say. I belong with you!" She followed she was scared but the thought of losing him frightened her more.
"Nina, this was wrong I should not have stayed I will go." His mind was spinning if he left they'd leave her alone they would take him.
"No! She yelled. "I will fight at your side."
Loki stomped to stand infront of her grasping her upper arms almost painfully towering over her. It made her stand taller her gaze as angry as his.
"You will do what keeps you safe. When I pledge myself to you I told you it would be my job to project you. I take that pledge seriously. If anything happened to you..." Loki's voice drifted off not being able to voice the pain that took over his mind and body.
"It works both ways Loki. I can defend myself."
"You do not understand what your saying. " he pulled her into his arms memorizing the pressure of her against him.
"I don't know what will happen but I know if we are to live or die it will be side by side." Nina held him tight.
"My love." Loki sighed and kissed the top of her head. There was one way he could leave her without her following but he did not know if he could do it. But there was time he felt it but not much.

The Fallen (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now