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Nina had been laying on her bed staring at the ceiling as it turned from light to the orange glow of dusk. She was hungry but pride had kept her from leaving the room though she knew that couldn't last much longer. The ache in her stomach matched the one in her heart but she felt stupid giving into it. 
With a heavy sigh she pulled her aching body off the bed walking to her window. The sky was turning dark blues purple and pinks and in the center of her view stood Loki looking into the distance. She could still feel the pressure of his lips on hers making her react without thinking touching her lips with her finger tips. 
Loki stood in the snow his leather armor protecting him from the cold that surrounded him but not the cold inside himself. He looked out into the setting Midguardian sun the colors beautiful and deep almost making him for get where he was. He needed the bracing cold air as he battled himself he was used to inner turmoil but this was different. This was something unknown to him, in what to him was a fraction of time he had grown fond of the woman in the cabin behind him. As a God his time span was almost endless and the thought of spending it not on Asgard and alone was daunting. He had never really thought about relationships until he had learned of Jane Foster and his brother. It made him feel lonely on top of all the other injustices that had been forced upon him he felt it more now.
"Loki?" Her voice was filled with concern coming from behind him.
"Nina." he answered not turning to look at her.
"Everything ok? Nina hadn't wanted to come out to him but he had been standing so still and his stance held sadness his head lowered.
"No, not at all." He watched as she came up to stand at his side looking at him. He turned his head slightly and heaved a sigh."I am sorry about earlier that was not fair to you. But not for the reason I said. There are so many things you do not know." He looked back at the horizon.
"So tell me, we have time. You can trust me."
"I have cause not to trust anyone. But you do make me want to trust you."
"That's something at least."
"Yes,it is." Loki turned to her looking her face over searching for answers that could only be spoken. She looked back unflinchingly. "You have asked how I came here and I will tell you."
Nina waited silently as she saw him struggle to decide to tell her it all.
"I let go. I let go of my family and Asgard, who I was supposed to be  who I felt I had been forced to be. I fell from Asgard." It hurt to remember Odin holding his staff  to his son's, Thor and himself clinging to it and he knowing that at that moment their could only be one or none.
Nina felt his pain in his face and his eyes she wanted to touch him but stayed still.
"So Thor, your family they think your dead?"
"Yes, I need time to decide what I need to do to make it better if i can. Falling and using my magic to protect myself drained me it disappeared just before I hit the ground."
"You can't call to them? To Heimdall to open the Bifrost?"
"You know of that?" Loki was shocked.
"I'm a friend of Jane's remember?"
"Yes I had forgotten. No I will not and I can not." He shook his head.
"I have hurt alot of people I don't want to go back as a prisoner ever."
"Loki letting them think you are dead is horrible."
"For now it has to be that way." He paused looking at the almost fully set sun he noticed her slight shiver. "Come let's walk back indoors."
Nina followed him at his side waiting with anticipation for him to continue.
"I am not who I appear to be I learned that only recently and it helped me on the path I took."
"I don't understand. "
"You will."

The Fallen (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now