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Nina let the hot water run over her face and her body relaxing in its heat. It had been a few hours since Loki had fallen into a deep sleep. She had scanned him gently not pushing to deep his energy had been steady. She sighed heavily, rinsing her hair of the violet smelling shampoo before lathering herself in smooth soap.  She had managed to retrieve her bags from the mess that had been her jeep nothing had been damaged thankfully.
She still had no ideas as to  what the outcome of this was supposed to be and why her of all people. Should she call to Thor should she call S.H.I.E.L.D?
No not yet.
But was she strong enough to hold him she could feel he was low of whatever magic he possessed but for how long.
She pressed her hands on the shower wall letting not only the water wash over her but her anxiety.
Loki himself was interesting to her studying him while he was there would help in the long run. Maybe he'd tell her history of the realms and Asgard. Not at the moment he was aggravating and rude but maybe when he was feeling better.
She heard a sound, she cocked her head to one side listening she thought she heard yelling she shut the water off and listened intently.
It was a noise a deep guttural scream.
Nina hurled herself from the shower grabbing a towel tucking it around herself and heading into the livingroom then to the bedroom Loki occupied.
Loki's eyes were closed he was struggling against the field his head back screaming. It tore at her heart she climbed onto the bed beside him brushing his hair and forehead.
"Loki! Loki! It's me Nina your safe!" She called over his groans. She picked his head and shoulders up in her arms cradling him releasing the field.
His screams turned to moans still tensing his muscles.
It was then she noticed the heat radiating off his body in waves.
Seizures, his temperature was to high but what the hell was a Gods temperature anyway?
"Its ok Loki." She laid him down climbing from the bed she pulled her energy from her palms and lifted him the only thing she could do was the bath tub.
She hovered him gently through the door walking infront of him she held him in one hand turning the faucet on ,hitting the button to keep it filled. Nina tested the water not wanting it to cold she was afraid of stopping his heart, if there was a  chance she didn't want to take it.  His energy was fluttering and uneven she was scared.
Nina lowered him into the tub as it filled.
Loki gasped as the water hit his burning skin but he was still writhing and groaning
She sat on the floor beside his head grabbing a small towel and dipping it in the cool water that filled around him she rubbed it across his chest and shoulder.
"It's going to be ok you have a fever this will bring it down." She rubbed it over his face and his moans turned to whimpers. His thrashing slowing down before relaxing completely.
She waited till the tub was full turning the faucets to off before returning to stroking his face and chest with cool water. Leaving it to rest oh his forehead.
Nina's eyes lingered over his bruised cut skin and back to his face, what could have caused all this.
The ibuprofen!
Oh no.
She could think of nothing else. He had no wounds that were infected, no deep ones ,what else could it be.
"Oh Loki, I'm sorry." She brushed his cheek. To cause anyone pain crushed her. "If you can hear me I'm sorry. "

Heat, burning lava,running through his body wave after wave till he was sure he was encased in flames. His body ravaged by quakes straining pain over and over, memories flashing in colors.
I'm a monster!!
He heard the screams from his soul.
Never really loved a stolen relic unworthy unwanted!
He shook trying to break free of the rage to destroy his angry and pain, unreleasable.
Cold, washing over him extinguishing the flames slowly pushing the lava back.
Hands touching him gentle warm over and over. Whispering in his ears. Warm sweet breath washing over him calming him causing the rage to fall back into the darkness.
Thank you who ever you are he thought before drifting to small island of peace.

The Fallen (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now