As One

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Nina showered slowly letting the heat penetrate her skin down into her muscles and the tension in the pit of her stomach. She dried off absently not really paying attention to her actions doing it by rote. Her mind was on Loki's emerald eyes, the feel of his lips, the realization that he confessed he was in love with her. He had given her the chance to walk away begged it of her, but she couldn't there was no question it was where she belonged.
Nina slipped a night shirt over her head flopping unceremoniously on her bed staring at the glow of the moon light off the snow on her ceiling.
She was exhausted physically and mentally she rolled onto her side closing her eyes with a smile on her lips. It didn't matter who he was or what he was he accepted her for who she was and she would do the same for him, that's what love was.

Loki had undressed sitting staring out his bedrooms window watching the moon and shadows play on the snow. Was he really in love with a Midguardian mortal? If he had been accused of such he would have laughed hysterically, not him, his brother was that fool not himself. But he was, there was no other excuse for the strange feeling of euphoria that was taking him over. He had tried to fight it, he had warned her but there was no escape for either of them.
Loki stood pacing shirtless in another pair of loose pants, he had become used to the fabric and enjoyed it.
What now?
He still had to fix his own energy issues his magic was just burning slightly he needed more. What he was going to do after that he had no idea. He could not stay on earth but he would not leave her maybe Asgard was the only answer. How that would be handled by Odin he could not imagine, his mother, Frigga, would welcome him but Odin was another story. He had learned all he knew from Frigga who was a great sorceress, he wished he could talk to her at that moment.
Loki sighed heavily needing to be close to Nina the draw undeniable now that he knew what he was feeling. He made his was from his room to hers silently opening her door and going to her bed where she was asleep.
Nina laid in the moonlight on her side her hands tucked under her cheek a small smile on her lips. The long shirt she wore to sleep was halfway up her pale thigh her hair red on her pillow.
Loki's stomach clenched as he looked longingly at her listening to the soft sound of her breathing. He walked slowly to the other side climbing in to her bed sliding up behind her feeling her warmth. He had to touch her but he did not want to frighten her he did not want them to go backwards he wanted her trust.
Loki propped himself up on his elbow facing her lowering his hand to her bent knee. She was warm and soft as he slid his palm up her thigh his long fingers gently touching her. His stomach rolled the thoughts of claiming her fought for control over his mind he squeezed his eyes shut pushing them away. He did not want to be force full but it took all the control he had not to grasp her body.
Nina moved slightly in her sleep sighing softly as he moved his arm around her waist he lowered his face into her damp hair and inhaled the scent of flowers.
"Nina.." he whispered against her neck.
Nina felt chills roll over her skin she heard his voice in her ear and the warmth of his breath against her skin. She turned towards his voice opening her eyes not at all surprised by his presence in her bed and not caring.
Loki smiled slowly at her drowsy gaze looking every inch like the God of Mischief his own gaze full of promise.
Loki slipped his arm under her head turning her onto her back her head cradled in his arm and he looked down at her. His eyes were filled with fire and she couldn't help but catch her breath.
"Do you want this?" He asked. "I may be many things but I would never take from a woman that which was ment to be given freely. " His eyes searched her face.
"I give it freely to the man I love." She managed to say though the tension in her throat, she would give him anything he asked for.

Loki smile spread across his face lighting it up reaching his eyes making them sparkle.
"I my darling accept whole heartedly."It sounded like a deep purr and for a moment she felt like she had just signed herself away, where ever it led she was sure she wouldn't regret it.
Loki's body was tense as he reached forward for her lips with his own trying to control himself he wanted her and it was painful in every way it could be. He nibbled her lower lip then slipped his tounge teasingly along it pulling back slightly. All he could think of was her breathing and her heart beat as he lowered his lips again to hers this time finding her tounge deepening his kiss with his own tongue. He felt her hand glide up his arm sending delicious shivers over his skin her hand tangling in his hair pressing his head down to her own lips. Her other hand slide up his back her nails lightly dragging against his spine and causing him to pull away.
Nina was breathing heavy and he found he was as well.
"Nina undress for me." He sat up and offered her his hand to help her stand.
Nina's mind whirled was she really going to undress infront of him. Her skin was goosebumps, she watched him stalk around her like the beautiful cat he was his eyes glowing in the dark, shining emeralds there was no way she was going to deny him. She grabbed the hem of her shirt pulling it over her head letting it slide from her fingers to the floor at her feet she then slowly hooked her fingers around the edge of her under wear and stepped from them letting them also slip to the floor.
Loki walked slowly around her she was pale in the moonlight from the snow, her red hair contrasting against her pale shoulders. He stopped behind her stepping up close placing his fingertips beneath her ear dragging them lightly down her neck, shoulder, arm. He followed it with his lips breathing in her ear making her shiver her legs liquid beneath her. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her back against him the other brushing over her taunt nipples while his mouth worked on get neck.
"I can not wait to claim you my pet. His voice was husky in her ear making her lay her head back against his chest. She could feel his heart beating as hard as her own his breath rough she knew he was not at calm as he appeared to be.
Nina turned in his arms pressing herself against him placing her lips at the base of his throat his pulse beneath them. She stood on her tip toes to follow his throat up to his chin then back down his breath catching in his neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his lips back to hers and he gripped her roughly kissing her back.
Loki walked her back towards the bed she climbed on it and he followed hovering over her a smirk on his face. He pushed her arms up over her head catching her wrists in one hand the muscles on his back tensing and releasing with every move she was lost with every inch he made.
"You will cry out for me, whether you wish to or not." He purred above her and she had no doubt he would be right.

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