Try and Try Again

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Loki paced infront of the large window angry, guilt ridden and hating all of it.
Why did he have to be a jerk about everything she did not deserve it she was helping him though a sane person should have run away. He could not help himself he did not like the feelings he was having in the pit of his stomach the heat when he woke up to her voice, the warmth of her against him. He knew when he started having conflicting feeling ones he did not want to have he reacted with spite and anger. Because that always made things better.
He rolled his eyes at himself and began to recite his mantra. I don't need some little mortal she is a means to an end nothing more.

Nina came out dressed and determined that no matter the pain she was going to carry through with training. She stopped at the sight of him shirtless looking out the window the muscles in his back tensing and releasing as he stood there.
He turned towards her heading her footfalls towards him.
"I want to try again."
Loki looked at her questioningly she was still pale and looked fatigued.
"Do you think you have any energy left?"
Nina shrugged.
"I guess we will find out."
"If you insist." He bowed slightly heading past her." I will only be a minute."
Nina watched him pass out of the corner her eye and headed for the door. She needed this or she'd never face him after confessing she was a virgin.
She stood on the porch the sun warming her face it was a pleasant day cold around 30 or so.
She begun to hear a humming in front of her and in an instant Loki was beside her looking ahead of them.
"What is that?"
"I don't know. " she strained to hear.
"Sounds like machinery of some type. "
Nina's eyes widened.
"A what?" he asked confused.
"A thing that drives easily over snow. Shit." She looked at the God next to her and her crushed jeep.
"Go in the house find some normal clothes do something with your hair different and try not to act like...I don't!" Nina pushed him toward the house.
Loki just started at her.
"Go!" She yelled.
Loki shrugged turning and disappearing into the house.
Now the jeep she looked around her eyes coming to rest on a tree down in the snow not far away it would have to do.
She called her glow focused it on the tree pushing to lift it her powers were sluggish she could feel the pull.
She could also hear the snow mobile's coming closer soon they would be over the rise. She forced all she had and swung the tree planting it on her jeeps crushed top as quietly as she could.
Nina's dropped to her knee the world spinning she manged to stand back up as the snowmobilers hit the rise.
There were 3 riders and it didn't take her long to know they were S.H.I.E.L.D from the sleek state of the at Snowmobiles to the clad in black riders.
"Shit." This wasn't good hopefully they weren't familiar with the God of Mischief.
Nina watched till they stopped their rides a few feet from her and began to dismount.
The rider in front pulled his helmet off and shook out his blonde hair.
"Ryan?!" She said in surprise.
"Ne," he started but was distracted by the jeep. "What the hell happened?"
"Tree." She shrugged. "What are you doing here?"
Ryan pulled his gloves off and hugged her.
"Saving you it seems. Good thing to what were you going to do?"
" I had the place stocked for a month I figured some one would come find me." She smiled nervously this was not real bad Ryan didn't know much about Loki.
"What about your emergency phone?"
Ryan looked at it again and shook his head.
"Glad you weren't in it."
"Me too." She looked at the two other riders who hadn't taken their helmets off.
Ryan turned to look at them as well
"Agent Crane, Agent Phillips"
Nina waved.
"Come in and relax for a bit." Nina did not want to invite them but felt she had little choice.
Ryan followed her in the two agents stood on the porch.
"I called your phone we have some activity I wanted to talk to you about." Ryan stoped as he spotted Loki in the kitchen drinking ice tea.
Loki looked like some kind of rock star slash model he had messed up his hair splitting it down the middle and having it fall loose over his right eye. He was in sweat pants and a t shirt he had worn before and his feet were bare.
"Whoa who is this?" Ryan asked.
"This is my friend." She manged to sputter out. Loki came his hand extended to Ryan.
"My names Lee." Loki shook his hand and looked him over. So this was S.H.I.E.L.D not impressive.
"Hello,I didn't realize you weren't alone." It was clear Ryan was unhappy about it.
"It was a last minute decision." Nina answered knowing Ryan was unhappy he viewed her as available.
"So what can I do for you?" Nina moved to the couch sitting and motioning to Ryan.
Loki came and set beside her nearly on her lap Ryan frowned.
"I brought your work phone. " Ryan opened his coat dug in his pocket and held it out to her.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"Would you like to ride down.?
"No we are good thanks for checking on her though. " Loki placed a hand on her leg she had to hold herself still so she didn't slap it off.
Ryan glanced it then at her.
"If your sure." He directed the question to Nina ignoring Loki.
"Yes im glad you came though. Would you and the agents like some coffee or something it's a long ride down. "
"No, thank you, but I do need to talk to you about work. If you could walk me out."
"Sure if you can't stay." Nina felt Loki squeeze her thigh. She stood and looked down at him. "I'll be right back. "
"Alright darling." Loki couldn't help but smirk at the man's discomfort. He wanted her he could tell in the way the man looked at her, that was really to bad.
Nina followed Ryan out and back to the Snowmobiles.
"How long have you known him?" Ryan motioned to the house clearly disgusted.
"A while."
"You'd think you tell your assistant."
"Ryan, we came up to get to know each other it's not intimate." She was being truthful.
Ryan's face relaxed and he placed his hand on her lower back as the walked to the side of the snow mobile's.
"Why don't I take you home?"
"No it's ok. What's going on at work?"
"Well it seems there have been some distortions in space and we aren't sure what they are or where they are coming from. Nothing has landed on earth as far as we know but it's possible."
"Thor?" That would be a good thing he could take his brother home.
"No it's different. "
"Ok I'll look at the files. Let you know if I have any ideas."
Ryan pulled her into his arms hugging her as he pulled away she caught a smirk on his lips before it was gone.
"If you need me call." Ryan climbed back on his ride.
"I will have a safe trip."
Ryan nodded and placed his helmet on.
Nina backed away as he started the snowmobiles their engines roaring to life. She waved as they turned and all three headed down the hill she watched till they were out of sight.
Loki watched Ryan touch her lower back and wanted to break him apart it would not be hard he was a weak mortal and he was a God.
It took all he had not to jump through the window as Ryan pulled her into his arms. He wanted him in pain maybe a tree would fall on him, maybe he'd help it. He caught the man smirk at him it was almost his un doing.
Nina turned towards the house and Loki was standing in the window looking like a large cat who was furious their prey was allowed to get away.  She blinked at the anger on his face having no idea what it could be for.
Nina opened the door the door and pulled her jacket off looking at him sideways.
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting down and pulling off her boots.
He was still staring out the window muscles tense and incredibly still.
"Are you involved with that mortal?" He asked their clenched teeth.
"Ryan is my assistant nothing more, I mean he wishes their was more but.."
"But what?" He turned to look at her his eyes burning green.
"I'm not interested in him."
Loki relaxed somewhat and came to sit beside her starting to become angry with himself but doing his best to remain passive.
"Oh." Was all he could manage.
"Why did you look like you could have ripped his insides out?" Why was behaving like a jealous man?
"I did not find the way he looked at and touched you necessary" he relaxed into the couch.
"I didn't notice. Nice job by the way looking human even if it was just a little."
Loki chuckled
" Not to bad for the time allotted." He pushed his black hair out of his eye and smiled.
Nina smiled too and caught his gaze till it made her uncomfortable and she looked away.
"Ryan says there have been distortions in space that aren't related to your brother. I told him I'd look at the files. "
"Hmm portals maybe?" He asked more to himself then to her.
"I don't know but I'll look later first I want to try something."
Loki looked at her as she called het glow to her hands.
"Hold out your hand palm up. "
He did as she asked.
"Your drained I can see it."
"Hush." She was but she thought since she didn't have much to give maybe she could give him some without overwhelming him.
Nina touched his palm with her finger tips pushing energy slowly into him.
Loki could feel the charge it was weak but there and didn't pulse through him causing pain like it had before. He felt it in his head but the slight pain was bearable and the magic charge welcoming.
Nina watched Loki's eyes close as he absorbed her energy, she felt faint and the pull on her energy from him was become intense.
Loki's eyes opened and were even greener he pulled his hand from hers feeling her wane. She swayed but her eyes stayed open as she fought to take control.
Nina smiled faintly leaning against the couch cushions watching him she was pleased with herself.
Loki smiled back allowing the magic to flow through him he projected himself to the window and took it back.
"Better?" She asked.
"Yes I feel like me."
"Your always you if you'd allow it."
With that she slipped into sleep.
Loki watched her for a moment his stomach once again clenching.
He  laid her down on the couch and covered her with a blanket and he went to ruffle through the fridge.

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