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Loki awoke slowly shivering, pulling his aching eye lids open.
Where the hell was he? He looked to his side hearing soft breathing.
Nina was asleep next to him one arm on the edge of the bath her face leaning on it her other arm holding a cloth laying on his chest.
Hers was the voice he heard but why was he in a bath.
Loki assessed his limbs finding the breaks were healing in his wrist and leg his ribs were slower and tender and he was exhausted from whatever had occurred to put him there.
She had said she was sorry. He looked at her. Why was she sorry.  He moved slowly trying to stretch.
Nina opened her eyes looking into his gleaming green ones.
"How are you?" She asked relieved he was awake." I must have dozed off."
"Why were you saying  you were sorry  I heard you." He stared at her questioning.
Nina frowned. "You had a high fever and seizures I don't know what it could have been from. I am worried it was the ibuprofen. But I don't know for sure. I was saying I was sorry because of the pain you were in." She looked at him sadly.
"So your medicine tried to kill me?" He asked angrily. He was uncomfortable with her kindness.
Nina's eyes grew wide.
"I don't know."
"It did not work, maybe that was your plan to kill me?"
"What?! Yeah, I spent the night keeping you cool, on the floor because I was trying to kill you. Cause that makes sense." She pulled her aching body off the floor.
"Why are you in a towel." Her asked.
"I heard you screaming while I was in the shower you scared the hell out of me!"
"Your a mortal why do you not wish me dead?" He did not understand most people aside from his mother maybe his brother, wanted him dead.
"I wish noone dead."
"You might take that back some day. " Loki looked down at himself.
"Not today at least. "
"I need to be removed from this bath."
Nina was getting whiplash from his mood swings.
"I can lift you if you'd like."
"No, I'd like to try on my own. " he raised his chin defiant.
"Let me see how your breaks are."
Nina's palms glowed with blue flames and she sent it over him and through him.
Loki didn't like the invasion but held his tounge.
"Your bones have healed! But your ribs are knitting and your contusions will take longer." She withdrew her energy.
"Healing is easy for us it never takes long but the pain is 10xs worse for everything. "
"I'll help you. "
Nina placed his good arm around her shoulder and using some of her energy helped him to stand.
Loki groaned as he had to lean on her. He was dripping wet
She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him.
" You may remove my under garments."
She laughed.
"It sounds like you are bestowing a great honor on me." Nina smiled at him.
"I am." Trying not to smile but smirking slightly.
"If you say so." Nina helped him to stand still. She took the towel and wrapped it around his waist. She tried hard not to notice his slim muscular chest as she squatted down reaching up under the towel and pulling his underwear down making sure to distance herself as far as she could. 
Loki followed her eyes as she stood.
"Better?"Nina asked.
"Yes. Could you turn the hot water on I would like to warm up and clean up." His eyes never left hers as he spoke.
"Yes, no problem."
Nina reached past him turning the faucets setting it on a warm flow aware of his standing close to her side. "This one controls the hot water." She backed away clutching her own towel to her chest.
"Care to join me?" Loki asked with a mischievous smirk on his lips.
"I'm good thank you. If you need anything I'll be in the bedroom."
"Your sure?" Loki dropped his towel turning towards the hot water.
Nina quickly turned her back.
"Yes." She walked out.

Loki chuckled to himself
Should I be offended? He wondered. But decided not to be she had spent the night trying to save him she did not want him dead and that was something in itself.
The hot water splashing over him relaxed his aches but added to his exhaustion he wondered if he would ever not be tired. He waved a hand trying a spell but he only got a small spark of magic.
"Shit!"he whispered in a growl. How long would that be damaged for. He plunged his face under the water.

Nina's sat on the bed trying not to think of the naked God in her bathroom who had just exposed himself completely to her. It was rough he was quite handsome, toned slim and powerful.  He reminded her of a large black cat waiting to spring when having the chance.
You can stop now the man has issues.
Who doesn't.

Nina went to the door calling in.
"Are you ok?
"Yes if you could help me to the bed I would be better. "He called back.
She went in and he was standing shaking out side the tub holding the towel around him. He looked up at her from his green eyes under his lashes his black hair dripping over his shoulders arms slowly down his chest.
Nina went to his side tucking his arm over her shoulder she was considerably shorter then him at 5'5. She tried to ignore the feel of his damp skin against hers as she helped him walk into the bedroom.
Loki held his bad wrist around his ribs and moved slowly with an occasional groan. Everything ached.
"Sit here and I'll see what I can get you to where." Nina helped him sit on the wing chair.
She went back into the bathroom and retrieved another towel and began to dry him off starting with his hair shoulder length and black.
"How are you feeling?" She asked trying to distract herself from his shoulders.
"I have had better days." Loki answered.
"Days, oh!" Nina looked at the clock. "Its 8am."
Loki waved his hand at her.
"Time doesn't mean much to me."
"Lucky you. Us humans like to know what time it is." She ruffled his hair with the towel then left it on his head.
"Hey the hair." He scowled at her.
Nina walked to the window seeing the brightness.
"It snowed!!"she announced happily.
"Wonderful." He smoothed his hair and yawned.
"Come see." Nina looked back at him.
"Will you feed me and let me sleep?" He asked.
"Yes" Nina went to his side and helped him to the window.
The world was white the trees heavy and bending everything sparkling in the sun rays. It looked as if some one cast a million diamonds all over the land.
"It's different from the frozen lands I have seen." Loki couldn't help but be impressed. He liked the sparkle in the mortals eyes as she looked at the scene. "You like cold and snow?" He asked.
"Yes I guess I do." Nina helped him back to the bed. "I'll get clothes for you later  you look like your going to pass out before I can get back. "
Loki couldn't help but agree he was tired more tired then ever in his long life.
Nina helped him to the bed he wiggled slightly with a sleepy wink dropping his towel.
"Really?" She rolled her eyes.
"I can not sleep clothed." He laid back slowly.
She pulled the covers over him avoiding looking at him till he was covered.
"Sleep well I'll feed you when you wake up."
"Thank you." He whispered his eyes closing already asleep.
"Your welcome." Nina's brushed hair from his cheek amazed at a small smile that flitted across his lips.

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