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The dawn was just reaching over the tops of the mountains in the distance pink and purples lighting the darkness. The cold was bitter and the air was still as Loki placed Nina's body on a blanket in the snow he knelt beside her kissing her forehead, her cold lips and raised her hand to his face. He looked down at the flash of her emerald around her neck in the new morning light he unhooked it placed it around his own neck feeling the weight against his heart. He kissed her one last time his lips lingering over hers a sob caught in his throat wishing that they would be warm. He pulled himself up stepping back he levitated her body surrounding it a golden glow wrapping the blanket around her feeling like he would collapse under the weight of his pain.
Loki had dug the hole by hand and it was that in which he placed her gently into the earth standing at the edge, the universe spinning around him but he had no sense of time. He moved the earth with his magic that had been forcefully returned to him, making him stronger then he'd been in what seemed like forever.
He returned to the cabin walking through the rooms slowly waiting to hear her laugh remembering the sounds of her sighs and the feel of her skin. He wrote a note.
'Ryan, Nina is dead, through no fault of her own but of mine and my love for her. I am Loki of Asgard and I will avenge her death one day. Till that time watch over her here in her favorite place.' Loki

"Its time. " The Other spoke from beside Nina's grave as Loki came out the back door it was at that moment he gave over to Thanos and to what awaited him.

Which would be New York.

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