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Loki had woken early and dressed in his armor that Nina had put into something called a washer, he felt much better then he had since arriving. He was looking forward to the days training and to be able to test Nina's skills to push to see how far she could progress.
Loki felt as if he was at the center of a countdown but he had no idea why like something was coming but what he did not know. He made his way to Nina's room it was dawn and he wanted to get in as much time as possible he knocked lightly. When he did not hear a response, he pushed the door open to look inside towards the center of the room.
Nina was unconscious her red hair a mass flowing around her head he continued to the foot of her bed. She was half way on her stomach and side covered by a thin blanket that was caught wrapped between her legs one long leg was out to her thigh ,her face was pressed into her pillow. He stood looking her over from her red hair to her bare shoulders to painted toes finding himself wondering what her creamy pale skin felt like to touch.
It was not a thought he wanted  he even condemned himself for having it. What in Asgard was he thinking?
Loki made his way over to the side of the bed where she was nestled into her pillow and squatted down near her face. Her hair covered half of it and he could see her long dark lashes resting against her cheeks he had the urge to stroke her hair away.  His hand twitched and he stilled it tucking it in his other.
He was becoming angry at himself he was losing focus.
"Nina." He said softly not wanting to startle her. "Wake up."
Nina pushed her face further into her pillow with a moan.
Loki smiled he couldn't help it she looked delectable.
"Nina you have to wake, it is time for your training to begin."
Nina heard his voice and opened one eye at him not sure if she was dreaming or not. She realized she wasn't and moaned again registering that it was barely dawn.
"Go away it's not even light out. " she mumbled rolling over and pulling the covers over her head.
"If you do not I will drag you out." He warned.
"You wouldn't."
Loki swept her up like a bride still wrapped in her blanket rolling her towards him.
"Loki!" She yelled kicking and struggling. "Put me down!"
He chuckled ,his face inches from hers.
"Are you sure?" He asked close to her lips a smirk on his.
"Yes." She breathed her voice catching in her throat.
He titled his head and raised an eyebrow before dumping her in a tangled heep on the bed.
"Really!?" She squeaked thrashing out of the blankets.
"Now please get up." He looked her over as she emerged from the covers in a short strapped night shirt, turned around and left the room.
Nina huffed angrily but got up trying to not think of they way he looked at her or the way he had held her, she was losing her mind she was sure of it.
Loki closed her door taking a deep breath the smell of her perfume still lingering in his nose a mix of sweet and smooth smells he could not identify, the feel of her weight in his arms and how close their faces had been. He pushed it away she was a means to an end nothing more it needed to stay that way.

Nina emerged a few minutes later looking and feeling grumpy at the early arousal and his part in it.
She tossed some eggs in a pan scrambled them and toasted toast not speaking to him in the process. She placed it in front of him along with coffee. She sat down and started to eat all the while he watched her.
"Are you going to be this disagreeable all day?" Loki asked  not enjoying her silence.
"Maybe." Nina's hadn't made up her mind if she was going to be or not.
"Well that is unfortunate."
"You could at least apologize." She glared at him. "It wasn't the best way to wake up ya know. "
"Alright I am sorry." Loki figured it would be easier then dealing with her pouting all day.
"I don't believe you mean it but I'll take it."
"That is your choice. But can we get started?"
"Yes, I guess, I don't know what kind of results your hoping for. "She looked at him searching for an answer in his eyes.
Loki stood and turned away he did not  like the way she looked in him not at him.
"I am not looking for results just helping you to increase what you already have." He stood. " I think outside would be better for this.
"Alrighty." Nina's stood as well putting the breakfast things away then placing her hands on her hips. "Shall we?"
Loki bowed and waved her past him than followed.
"Do you want a coat?" She grabbed hers and put it on.
"No, I will be fine the cold does not bother me."
Nina shrugged and opened the front door stepping into the early winter dawn her breath turning white in front of her. The sky was just turning pink between the trees infront of them.
"Its lovely isn't it? She asked as he stepped off the porch to stand beside her.
"What is?" Loki looked around.
"The dawn look." She pointed to the tree line.
"I guess." Loki looked at it with a shrug.
"Oh come on look at those colors."
Loki looked again more intently this time and nodded.
"Yes,I guess it is." He agreed.
"Don't you ever just look around you and enjoy the simple things?" She asked looking at him sideways.
"No, I usually don't have time for simple things. "
"Well you do here."
"That is true just not really my nature. "
"You'll learn." She smiled. "So what do we do first?"
"Well I think we can work on defense. I will throw some things your way I want you to deflect them push your energy to them"
"Wait a sec what are you going to throw?" She watched him looking around.
"Since I do not have my blades rocks will have to do."
"Darn." She rolled her eyes.
Loki found some stones that he uncovered near the cabin and turned to her at a distance.
"Ready?" He asked.
Nina pulled her energy into her palms flowing it over her hands and shrugging.
"Guess we will see."
Loki through the stone at her at half the speed he could have, watching it glide through the air.
Nina saw it as well and pushed her power into a half circle infront of her the stone bounced off and she grinned.
"Ok so protection you can do but how much can you take." He looked at her and she registered the mischief in his eyes.
"Loki.." she didn't get the rest out before about 10  rocks were hurled her way. They bounced as well but she could feel the impacts chip slight peices off her energy.
"Very good." Loki smiled. "I will back in a moment. "
Nina watched him go wondering what was next.
It took only a few minutes before she heard a noise and reacted to a large tree limb coming from the sky.
The impact was rough and knocked her to the ground but her shield held and now she was angry. She waited for him to come back around and pushed power at him lifting him up.
"I didn't appreciate that Loki!"
Loki growled he didn't like being shown how weak he was at that moment.
"Put me down!"
"No, you could have killed me."
Loki felt tingling running through him as she held him energy surging into every cell. He felt a presence in him he had missed for too long.
It all happened in a flash a reaction to the situation that he could not control.
He sent an energy blast at her it hit her,he hit the snow in a defensive stance his brain whirling ,the power overwhelming him. He kneeled down into the snow clutching his head as it pounded with the rush of magic. He yelled in agony there was something else, he could not get it out. He rolled into the snow and the darkness consumed him.

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