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Nina made a large breakfast of pancakes, sausage and potatoes that Loki devoured in bliss. Looking at her every so often as they ate with a odd look on his face till Nina had to ask.
"What is it?"
Loki raised his eye brows at her.
"What?" He asked.
"You keeping looking at me."
"Am I? He had not realized that he was.
"I guess I'm just wondering how self destructive you are in life normally." He answered shoving pancakes into his mouth and chewing. "What I mean is do most morals court death?"
"Some I guess, but is that what I'm doing?"
"Yes I just find it very odd that you do not seem to be bothered by it."
"Are you ever going to stop tying to get me to run the other direction.?"
"Oh, make no mistake you are my one now, I would do anything to keep and protect you so running is not an option. I was just wondering if in your normal every day life you have things like have a God falling on your thing in the driveway happen everyday?"
"Your one?"
"Yes every realm has stories of a mate that is meant to be only for you, you are that for me." He spoke nonchalantly and she smiled.
"I guess it would be called a soul mate here on earth and I work for S.H.I.E.L.D I do well with weird. Though I might have to turn in my resignation now. I doubt they would appreciate our relationship."
"No indeed not." Loki drank some orange juice. "But what they do not know will not hurt. Come let us begin."
Loki helped her to clean the eating area they dressed and made their way into the snow.  It was cold their breath fogging infront of them but the warmth of the sun eased some of the chill as they stood side by side.
"I think today you should try defending again."
"Oh cause it went to well last time." She rolled her eyes at him.
"This time we will work just on reflection on what I can toss at you just try not to hit me." Loki walked away from her with a smile.
Loki picked up snow making it into a ball and hurled it at her.
Nina easily deflected it and sighed.
"Boring. " she announced. "I'd like to try to pass you more energy."
"I do not think that would be wise." He walked back to her.
"Let me try please." She wanted him to be as close to healed mentally as he could be,she knew being powerless was hard on him. "I'll be careful."
"Alright, but if you feel even a little weak stop and if I tell you to you must stop." He grasped her upper arms looking down seriously at her.
Nina nodded the last thing she wanted was a repeat of the last time.
"I will." She agreed. " Hold your hands out palms up."
Loki did as she asked and she slid hers palms down over his just short of touching she winked at him than closed her eyes. Loki watched as she rolled her head slightly to the side as she concentrated pushing her energy to him. The blue flames spread slowly over his hands consuming both pairs sending tingling into his palms up his arms and all over him. He inhaled as he felt himself react to the power she was sending through out him his magic flame flaring and burning.
It was almost overwhelming he struggled to let it wash over him in a steady stream of fire.
"Nina." He managed holding himself still wanting to expel the magic building in him. "You can stop, that's enough. "
Nina pulled her palms back the disconnection was almost painful for him he so wanted to feel complete but he did not want her to push to much.
Nina opened her eyes with a grin.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"Yes I am better then I have been since I arrived. You?"
"I'm fine."
Loki leaned towards her kissing her forehead.
"Thank you. I am going to try something. " Loki backed away from her and closed his own eyes.
Nina watched him feeling satisfaction at helping him and love. She was slightly woozy from the expelling it seemed to be harder giving energy then just using it. But she wouldn't tell him or he wouldn't let her do it again.
Loki closed his eyes arriving on Asgard in his rooms feeling he was pretty safe to appear there. He pushed aside the feeling of loss as he looked around at the room that had been his home for all his life a room he did not think he would ever truly live in again. It was just as he left it and the want of wishing everything could be the way it was knocked his breath from his chest. If only he did not know what he was if only he had not be been betrayed by his adoptive father. Anger filled him as he looked around at what was and could have been it had all been taken away.
Loki made his way to his large wardrobe of knives his preferred weapon, trained by the masters, he had felt naked without them. He attached his favorite blades to his arms, one on either outer thigh and his calves. He could teleport them back with him, as well as one more item. He walked across the large open room to his dressing wardrobe and the box that set atop it. It was a chest of Asgardian wood deep brown, smooth and held an item he was given by his mother for his future wife. His heart hurt that he could not see her but she would feel him if he got to close letting her think him dead was cruel but maybe better. 
Nina was beginning to worry as she watched Loki sitting still before her but she didn't want to startle him afraid of what he was in the middle of. Just as she was about to whisper his name his eyes popped open and he rolled his hands infront of him a wooden box appearing in them.
"I was starting to worry. " she frowned at him.
"I am sorry to worry you I had to retrieve something from my rooms on Asgard."
"You went to Asgard?" She asked.
"Astral Projection with the energy you gave me it was easy." It had felt good to do something that was normal him.
"And the box?"
"I teleported it back with me."
"Why didn't you just teleport yourself back?" She would think that would be something he wanted to do.
"I do not have that much strength, yet. Do you think I would just leave you behind?" Loki asked examining her face.
"I don't know. " she didn't know if that was something he wanted or not.
Loki rolled his hands slightly infront of himself making the box disappear and stepping up close to her placing his hand under her chin looking deep into her eyes hoping she would understand him.
"When I said you were my one I meant it. You will be forever beside me no matter where I go. Understand?"
Nina did but she also wanted to point out that she couldn't be with him forever he was a god she was mortal but she didn't.
"I do." She smiled instead.
"Good. Now I think we should test how you do with surprise."
"Pretty damn well I'd think." She chuckled. Hadn't everything been a surprise?
Loki laughed as well.
"Well the unusual your fine with but this will be different. I can teleport I want you to try to deflect me."
Loki disappeared showing up again across the yard with his usual mischievous grin.
Nina waited and felt him before he appeared behind her she pushed her energy at him blocking him from touching her but as soon as she did he was across the yard again it was dizzying. This time he disappeared and before she felt him he tackled her to the ground and had his lips to the hallow on her neck below her ear.
"Damn, Loki." She breathed.
"Sorry my dear but you lose."
"Oh?" She sent a pulse of energy at him that sent him up and over her. Like the cat he was he rolled landing on his feet with a grin.
"If you did not like my kisses you could have just said so." He taunted.
Nina aimed her energy at the snow infront of her pushing it in a wave at him that blocked him from her view.
Loki teleported behind her grabbing her around the waist so she could not cast on him. He had never had anyone who could keep up with him and especially not a woman even SIFF one of Thor's friends and warriors could not match him.
"Surprise." He held her tight and she leaned her head back into his chest. 
"I don't mind losing like this." Nina said.
"I do not mind winning if you are the prize." He spun her around kissing her and hugging her.
"Who said you won?" She asked suddenly pushing him back into a snow drift.
Loki could hear her laughing as he dug himself out of the drift she was on her butt in the snow holding her stomach. He walked up to her with a pout.
Nina laughed harder at his disgruntled look.
"Sore loser." She stood up brushing herself off wobbling Loki grabbed her before she fell.
"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.
"Used a little to much. I'm good."
"Come inside." Loki wrapped an arm around her waist and steering her towards the cabin.

The Fallen (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now