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Nina floated to consciousness slowly the drain on her powers more than she could have imagined.
She pried her eyes open to look at her visitor on the bed in front of her checking to see if it had been a dream, it wasn't.
Loki was where she left him her blue glow still surrounding him.
She stood stretching and yawning making her way to his side checking to see if he was still breathing.
"Well ,you made it a few more hours Loki. That's good."
She waved her hand dismissing the immobility energy field and sending her energy to scan him searching for his wounds she closed her eyes tight.
"Wow.." she said aloud.
Loki was healing ,not at a fast pace but enough she could feel it.
She opened her eyes and sat beside him.
"Now let's see if anyone is home yet." She pulled her blue orbs into her right palm and leaned over his face hovering close to his forehead sending her energy into his mind she closed her eyes  pushing mentally she could feel something. His energy was stronger it was not fluttering but steady. She could feel him there but he was unwilling to let her into him.
"Stubborn, stop avoiding me." She whispered but she felt his energy pulling back.
"Your safe. As safe as you can be." She pushed slightly harder trying to send him good energy.
" Get out of my head!"
Nina jumped falling from the bed the words loud in her head echoing off the inside of her scull. She stood up.
His eyes were open.
"Well damn, you didn't have to yell. " she frowned reapplying the immobility glow and sat beside him again.
"Where am I?" He croaked in barely a whisper looking around himself.
"You are in my cabin after falling onto my jeep."
"Midguard. Of all places." He frowned wincing with pain his face aching, his body slowly gaining feeling.
"I wasn't thrilled either ya know. You have interrupted my vacation."
" Do you have any idea who I am you mortal!" He growled.
"Loki, God of not a damn thing at the moment. I'm aware." She stood placing her hands on her hips.
"Who are you to speak to me this way?" He was seething how dare she! He tried to moveing  his breath caught in his throat.
" I wouldn't do that. You are a broken man it will take time to heal."
"I am not a man I am a god!"
"You are a mess." She shot back frustrated.
"You are asking to die." He tried to summon magic nothing came.
"You are bound btw." She informed him pulling the chair closer to the bed.
"Impossible!" He tried again. Nothing.
"How's that working for you?" She could feel his energy as he tried.
"What have you done?" He was furious but could in no way express his rage.
"I bound you but I don't think it really matters to much it seems as if your magic has been depleted" She pushed her hair from her face looking into his brilliant green eyes.
"No." He moaned closing his eyes his rage leaving him.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news."
"Who are you?" He asked his eyes still closed the anger making way for pain.
"My name is Nina."
"You have powers mortal." He slowly opened his eyes to study her.
"Yes, and the name is Nina. "
"It was you I felt invading me?"
"Well that sounds harsh. But yes I can use energy to feel energy given off by anything. I can't read your mind but I can feel if it's open." She was sure she didn't want to read his.
"Stay out of me." He hissed.
"I only check for your healing."He was going to make it hard.
His mind was trying to come to terms with his position and how long he'd be stuck with this woman.
"Listen, neither one of us is having any fun especially you I would say. All we can do is get you healthy and go from there."
"I would rather die than rely on you."
"I'm afraid I can't allow that." She stood. "Now I'll be back I'm starving and I'm sure you could use a little something." She exited the room without a backward glance.
He made a push to move and groaned aloud as the pain shot through him.
"Told you not to!" She yelled from the other room.

This can not be happening to me. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Stuck in some hovel with a crazy redhead with energy powers. So this day just gets better and better. Everything hurt from his toes to his hair, he had no magic at least it did not feel like he did. Where was his brother ,Thor always seemed to find him.
Damnit brother where are you now! Never around when I need him. Oh that's right he thought he was dead.
He was trapped for the time being just for now.
Why was he cold?
Holy shit I am naked! He was pretty sure he did not fall attired only in his under things.
"Could you tell me why I presently have no clothes on?"He called.
Nina came in looking slightly uncomfortable.
"I had to get to your wounds your cut up. Couldn't do that with you in your armor."
"You had no permission." He groaned. He knew he was being ridiculous but why should he be the only one aggravated.
"Do you normally have people ask your permission to undress you? She shifted her head to one side.
"That is not the point."
"Listen your highness you were unconscious and bleeding that was all the permission I needed you could be grateful I didn't just leave you there or call S.H.I.E.L.D"
She scowled at him. This man was to much.
Loki eyes went wide at the mention of S.H.I.E.L.D.
"You know of S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"Yes, I work for them. "
I can not believe this! He thought.
"You work for them in what capacity?"
"I'm a alien historian to put it simply I study different realms and their people.  It's a fairly new addition to the agency."
"Why have they not arrived?" I have to get free of this woman.
"I haven't called them. Yet."
He looked her over and closed his eyes wondering what her game was.
"Why is that?
"Because, they aren't really big on you and healing would not be what they would be worried about. At present you are no threat. I can't just hand you over like you are." She didn't say with their hostile alien protocol.
"I think your making a mistake."
I'm dangerous more dangerous now." He opened his eyes and she could see the honesty and it scared her for a second.
"I guess we will see." She shrugged. " I'll go finish getting some dinner.
Loki closed his eyes pushing the pain away. She was right they would see.

Nina was unnerved he was dangerous she knew that but why, what had happened to him to make him this way.  Thor was a huge teddy bear of a man sweet and caring. This was his brother how was he so different?
I guess I have started something I   have to finish.
What choice did she have?
She returned to making ham and cheese sandwiches she had no idea what God's ate so she made it up as she went. She glanced at the clock on the range it read 5:30. She's been in the mountains now for 5 hours yet it seemed like longer.
She tossed some grapes and strawberries along with orange slices in a bowl everyone liked fruit didn't they?
What am I going to do with him when he's healed? She asked her self. I guess I'll make it up as I go.

The Fallen (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now