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The cabin was warm and they removed their things hanging them by the front door and removing their shoes.
"Did everything look the same in Asgard?" Nina watched him remove his boots turning slightly away from her.
"I only went to my room but it was as I left it." He straightened not wanting to talk of Asgard
"You miss it." It was a comment not a question.
"It has a draw yes. It is the only home I have ever known." Loki turned to her making his face blank pushing the anger and pain away.
"You'll return some day." She curled onto the couch tucking her feet under her.
"Maybe." Loki walked to the kitchen where he had sent the box picking it up and carrying it to the couch.
Loki suddenly felt nervous as he laid it on his lap.
"It's a beautiful box." Nina's saw his nerves as she ran a hand over the carved top.
"Frigga, my mother, gave it to me for my one. I do not know if she ever thought I would find some one but I know she always hoped."
"You love her very much."
"Yes." Loki did not blame his adoptive mother for Odin's plans she had always treated him as her son.
"But, enough of that. I have something for you." Loki opened the box towards himself reaching in and grasping something.
Loki pulled from the chest a glimmering shiver chain and at the end a large faceted green emerald in the shape of a oval. Nina gasped at how beautiful it shone in the daylight the chain so delicate it looked as if it would melt into your hand.
"This is my heart,this stone was given to me at 13 only to be given to my one. I picked out what stone called to me this was it." With one hand he placed the box aside and reached for her hand pulling her to a stand. "I want you to have this as a sign of my commitment to protect, love and cherish you as my one. " his eyes glowed softly as he spoke a slight smile on his lips. "As I ask this a part of me would rather you said no but I'm not listening to that part. Do you accept me?"
"Loki, I am not going anywhere. Yes, I do accept you. You were meant to fall here." She knew it was just a step on his path and she wanted to be on it with him.
Loki smiled clssping it around her neck the emerald hanging between her breasts.
"I am honored. My mother will be delighted." He was sure of it.
"I am honored as well."
Loki grasped her close pressing his lips down onto hers making her make a tiny moan at the back of her throat that almost un did him making him hear a light ringing bell.
Nina heard it too and pulled back cocking her head to the side as they both listened intently.
"Oh,its the phone." She laughed. " I thought I was hearing things. "It has to be Ryan I better check."
"Interrupted by S.H.I.E.L.D." he growled following her to her room.
Nina trotted to the bedside grabbing the phone hitting the button to answer and placed it on speaker.
"Hey Nina, how are you?" Ryan's voice echoed through the room.
"I'm fine Ryan anything going on?" She watched as Loki prowled the room frowning.
"Yes that's why I'm calling. We have seen something in the distortions. I have sent you the video from the satellite."
"Alright I'm checking now." Nina opened her email and downloaded the video.
She watched it in wonder Loki coming to gaze over her shoulder frowning he shrugged as she looked at him.
"It looks like something is falling through the hole but it's just like the distortions." She watched Lokis face as something dawned on him. "Hang on Ryan" she tapped the button to mute.
"What is it?"
"Cloaking, whatever is coming through had been cloaked." Loki knew a few realms had the ability but not why they would come to earth of all places.
"Do you think so?" Nina was shaken he could be right.
"Nina?" Ryan called she tapped the button again.
"I'm here I have an idea it might be cloaked whatever it is." She looked warily at Loki as he prowled once more his hands locked behind him.
"We thought maybe that was it but nothing has landed in any of the areas of the distortions we can't trace anything. Question is why would any one come here and for what."
"I don't know. But I think I have an idea. I'll call you back."
"Alright I'll let you know if anything changes..bye." Ryan ended the call.
"Loki, could someone be looking for you?"
"I do not know. I am dead as far as anyone knows." Loki paced he was not sure of anything and he hated it.
"From the coordinates on these distortions they are over New York and the east coast."
"It could be just a coincidence, but I can't be sure." He frowned.
"I hope so."
"Me too for both our sakes."

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