Getting Lost Somewhere

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"Dream?!" He called out into the vast forest in search of his other half. Cross has been searching for him for an hour now and still no sign of him whatsoever.

"Dream! Where are you? Please come out?!" His voice echoed through the trees and still no sign of of his beloved sunshine. He knew it was a bad idea to go into the forest alone, but Dream insisted on doing it by himself. It was a dumb decision for leaving him all alone in the woods filled with dangers and whatsoever.

Cross had a feeling that his soulmate was in danger, and every second that passed by, he got more and more tensed. His mind and soul was practically yelling at him him to find him immediately.
He looked back and forth, right and left, under caves and over the trees. No where, his soulmate was lost.

You might be wondering why he's only searching in one place, well it's because this was the last place he saw Dream before they got separated.
Cross searched everywhere and found no traces of his beloved sunshine, but he wasn't going to give up now. Oh no, Dream never gave up on him, so it's time to return the favor. He was determined to find his soulmate.

Cross continued his search until it was nearly dawn. He didn't stop looking, but he did felt something odd.
The atmosphere changed and it felt oddly familiar to him. A dreaded feeling hovered over shoulder, making him shiver. He summoned his knife and walked. The trees were slowly turning dead the more he passed by.

This feeling was so familiar, he's been here before. He just knows it.
As he took a few more steps, his eyes widened when saw the familiar shadowy castle in a distant. Then his eyes suddenly focused on something shiny on the ground. He dashed towards it and picked it up. He dusted the surface of it and it revealed to be the locket that he gave Dream. Even the picture was still there when he opened it.

Cross felt rage inside him, his soulmate has been kidnapped by non other than Nightmare's Gang. He placed the golden locket in his pocket and kept walking towards the castle. Knowing well enough that it was dumb to come over there without reinforcements, but there was no time to warn the others. Dream could die at any minute, so he had to act fast.

He teleported to the entrance of the castle and quickly cut the door open. The rest of the gang inside were just staring in surprise because they didn't expect him at all. "Uhhmm... Heya, Cross. Long time no see?" Dust greeted awkwardly.
Cross came over to him and held him up by the collar, clearly not feeling up to a pleasant conversation. "WHERE'S DREAM?!" Cross demanded an answer.

"N-now calm down Cross, Dream's fine. He's with Nightmare in your old bedroom." Dust said, so Cross lowered him and headed straight to his old bedroom.

The door was closed, but he could hear murmuring from the other side. He leaned on the door to hear muffled noises.


It was Dream's voice, he sounded like he was in pain. So he hesitated and knocked the door open and saw Dream being tickled by Nightmare's tentacles.
"NOOO- S-stop!!" Dream wheezed. "I bet this is how Cross punishes you~" Nightmare teased. "Ahem." Cross got their attention, so they both faced him and stopped whatever they were doing.

"Cross! I was worried where you were! I've been looking everywhere in the forest for you! And I ended up loosing the locket you gave me and I accidentally found my brother's castle!" Dream explained to him everything in one breath.
Cross didn't reply, he just hugged him tightly as if he was going away forever.

"I'm sorry Cross, I didn't mean to scare you like that..." Dream said as tears pricked on the edge of his eyesockets. "Please, don't leave me again... I can't bare being in a world without you..." Cross said. "I won't, we'll stay together forever. Until the day we die..." "Promise?" "I promise." Dream smiled and Cross kissed him passionately.

"Ugh... I'm going to give you two privacy if you're going to do 'something' to each other here." Nightmare said as he walked out the door and slammed it shut. Cross was blushing purple when he mentioned that 'something'.
"Cross, great news! My brother and I decided on a truce between us! The deal was that I live here now and I can't be allowed to go out unless I'm accompanied by someone in the castle. He also said I could stay in your room so I cleaned it up for both of us." Dream told him.

"Awesome! I can finally get some rest!" Cross said as he picked up Dream and set him on the bed to cuddle with. Cross instantly fell asleep and Dream giggled at him.

They both fell asleep peacefully throughout the night as another day passed by.

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