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The wind blew slowly on this dark day. The Multiverse was in complete chaos after loosing one of their guardians in an accident during their fight with Nightmare.
Nobody saw it coming, not even Nightmare himself. He didn't mean for any of this to happen at all. The death of his own brother was already too much to bare.

It seems that during their fight in Outertale, Dream was accidentally pushed into the void. Causing him to be permanently gone from the entire multiverse and was pronounced dead.
Everyone couldn't believe it. The last ray of happiness and hope has fallen into the void of no return.
No one has been able to feel happy from that day on, not even Dream's lover, Cross.

Cross would always visit Outertale since the day Dream died, hoping that he would come back someday.
The gang were getting worried about him and told him to move on. But Cross knows too well that no one can move on that easily when their soulmate just died.

It was totally heartbreaking for Cross to witness such a tragic loss, especially if it was someone really special to him. Dream was an irreplaceable, one of a kind gem for Cross. There could never be another version of him that was better than his own. So he just wallowed there sadly, gazing at the stars that reminded him of his sunshine.

Days later, Cross was nearing the ledge of the void. He was going to fall into the same place where his lover had died. He said to himself "No one can be happy without you, and even if I don't do this, I will only die along with everyone since the balance has broke."

And so he jumped. Letting some sort of gravity pull him into the darkness. Consuming him wholely into the void of nothingness.

He opened his eyes to see himself lying in a meadow with beautiful flowers and a beautiful sunset on the horizon. Looking around, he saw someone from a distance and immediately recognized them. His eyes widened and he rushed over to him.

The other one seem to notice and began running towards him with golden tears in his eyes. They immediately hugged each other like they haven't done it in a million years. Tears streamed down their eyes as smiles formed on their faces.

"I missed you, Dream."

"I missed you too, Cross."

They kissed each other under the horizon of their new home, which they called "Paradise".

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