Chapter 14: What Flies Beneath

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Chapter 14: What Flies Beneath

(A/N: Hello everyone. Just a warning that there is a smut scene later on. I put warnings at eh beginning and end of it. I hope it's not too bad. Enjoy!)

I woke up to a rumbling sound at some point during the night. It rumbled for a while, then disappeared. Toothless heard it to and started pacing around the room, growling.

"Urgh. Toothless, go back to sleep." Hiccup says before doing just that. Toothless settled down, but remained on edge.

The next morning, I was on Vision and we were walking with Hiccup and Toothless. We stop next to Gobber, Dad and a few other villagers. Toothless walks over to whatever they're all standing around and freaks out.

"Whoa, calm down, it's just a hole, bud." Hiccup says, calming Toothless down.

"It's not just a hole. It's like an underground village." Bucket says from inside the hole.

"Bucket! Oh there you are. I've been looking for you all night." Much says.

"Sorry Mulch, but I think I finally found it. My happy place." Bucket calls up. I start to hear rumbling coming towards Bucket.

"Bucket, get out of there now!" I shout. Bucket then screams as he goes flying out of the tunnel.

"Are you alright Bucket?" Dad asks.

"Not so happy anymore." Bucket replies.

"What happened?" Dad asks.

"Something pushed me out. Something's down there. Something big." Bucket answers.

Toothless then jumps into the hole. I hear more rumbling and it gets louder. It starts to sound like whispering.

"What is that sound?" I ask nervously.

"Whatever it is, it's giving me the willies." Gobber admits.

It gets louder and louder until I hear a roar and something bursts through the ground. Vision steps back and his spikes come out.

"Whoa, look at the size of that thing!" Snotlout says in awe.

"Do I have to?" Fishlegs asks.

"Dragons everyone." Astrid commands and they run to get their dragons. The thing in front of us roars.

"Uh, I don't like the way it's eyeballing me." Snotlout says from Hookfang's neck.

"Don't worry, it's not just you." Fishlegs says nervously.

"Thanks. Big relief." Snotlout says.

The creature then roars at us and shoots down underground.

"What was that?" Astrid and I say together.

"Whatever it was, I want one." Tuff says.

"If I had to take a guess, I would say that was a Whispering Death." Fishlegs says.

"Whoa, great name. So much better than Zippleback." Tuff says.

I hear it coming back and shout, "I hear it coming. Over there!"

The dragon comes out of the ground around the Forge.

"It looks angry. Why don't you do that thing where you touch its nose and feed it grass." Gobber asks. I just roll my eyes at him, even though the visor covers it.

"Ok Fishlegs, what do we know about the Whispering Death?" Hiccup calls.

"Boulder class, razor sharp teeth, incredibly strong, hunts from underground." Fishlegs rattles off.

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