Season 2, Chapter 7: Worst in Show

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Season 2, Chapter 7: Worst in Show

We're doing rescue procedures. Astrid and I came up with a great one she could do, but sadly I can't participate. To be honest, I would be the victim, not the rescuer. But I don't trust the Twins or Snotlout enough for that.

So while they're out on a sea stack, Vision and I are practicing my aim while in flight. We barrel roll, spin, circle, etc.

At around dusk, the others come back. Stormfly lands next to me and Astrid gets off and hugs me. Ever since the Flightmare incident, she's been a little clingy, not that I mind. I smile and lean into her hug.

"Hey guys." I say. "What's up?"

"We're about to find out who the best dragon trainer is?" Astrid says.

"Oh?" I ask, ready for this new competition.

"Yeah, the others seem to think that everything we do is a competition and it lead to this challenge." says Hiccup.

"Is it not a competition?" I ask, causing Hiccup to groan and the others to laugh. I smile as I listen to Astrids angelic melodic laugh.

"So how are we gonna find out who is the best?" I ask.

"Like this." says Fishlegs. "Ta da!"

I hear Fishlegs put down a crate and open the lid. I hear Terrible Terrors chirping inside.

"Terrible Terrors?" asks Snotlout. "This is your level playing field?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. We'll all choose a Terrible Terror and have a day to train it. And then we'll find out who's best."

Snotlout bursts out laughing. "Ahahahahahaha!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I can't keep a straight face!"

Fishlegs responds, "I fail to see the humour, Snotlout."

Hiccup, ever the pacifist, says, "Guys, the point of all this is--"

"You don't have a chance to win this, Fishface, and you wanna know why?" interrupts Snotlout. "Because there are readers and there are doers. And while you've got your nose buried in the Book of Dragons, I'm out there, kicking names and taking butt."

"I think you meant that the other way around." I say with a grin.

"I mean." Snotlout struggles to find a comeback, before saying, "Shut up, Nara."

I high five Astrid as Hiccup says, "Guys, come on."

"I'll tell you what Snotlout." says Fishlegs. "You're so confident in your dragon training superiority, why don't we make this interesting?"

"Pfft. All ears."

"Losers have to clean the winner's stall for a month."

Snotlout agrees, "Done."

"In." Astrid agrees.

"Well I'm not joining in that bet. I can't even clean Vision's stall." I say, backing up.

The Twins smack their helmets together in agreement.

"Come on, we're not really going to do this, are we?" asks Hiccup.

"Oh, dear brother of mine." I say. "Poor, sweet, naïve brother of mine. Your innocent young impressionable mind still lounges in the love of childhood."

"What are you talking about? I'm older than you." Hiccup says.

"You better strap on your helmets, cause this guy is bringing the pain." Snotlout says, approaching the crate of dragons. One immediately bits him and Snotlout stands up in pain, trying to not make a sound. "Guess I'll take this one." He then walks away saying, "Bringing the pain."

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