Season 2, Chapter 5: Race to Fireworm Island

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Season 2, Chapter 5: Race to Fireworm Island

The Gang waits for Snotlout on an Island. I hear him whoop in the distance.

"There he is." I say, pointing. Hokfang dives at the group, nearly hitting us as he swoops up.

"What is with him?" My brother asks.

"I hear that ever since Alvin and the Whispering Deaths attacked, he's been training nonstop." says Astrid and I nod in agreement.

"I heard he's been flying all night for the past week." says Fishlegs.

"Yeah, well I heard Gothi can debone a yak just by looking at it." says Tuff.

Ruff adds, "Or if you sit on a Terrible Terror, you can have flames coming out of your--"

"Woah, what does this have to do with Snotlout?" I ask.

"Oh." Tuff says after a pause. "I thought we were playing the 'I heard' game. And by the way, Terrible Terror thing. Totally true. I tried."

Hookfang then lands and Snotlout says "That's right! You just saw, what you just saw." I scowl at Snotlout the best that I can. I then hear kissing noises.

"Snotlout, Hookfang looks pretty tired." Hiccup says. "I think you might be pushing him too hard." Now that he says it, I don't hear Hookfang's regular responses to Snotlout's ego and his breath is staggered.

"I think you really are pushing him too much." I say.

"You say pushing, I say challenging." Hookfang moans softly. "Hookfang doesn't need rest. He's a warrior. And warriors live for the thrill of battle. It's like my dad always says."

"Take a bath, Snotlout." Astrid says.

"Rip your tongue out, Snotlout." says Ruff.

"Stick your head up a yak's--"

"No!" Snotlout says loudly, cutting off Tuffnut. "No, none of those. He says, 'Rest is for the weak.'"

There's a long pause before Hiccup and I chorus, "And let's all thank Snotlout for that inspirational speech."

"You're welcome."

I lean towards Astrid and whisper, "I'm still partial to when Spitelout says, 'Stick your head up a yak's--'"

"Now, let's get on with this exercise. Unless you guys are too tired." Snotlout says as Hookfang slowly turns and takes off. "Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!"

"I can name one thing I'm tired of." I say as we take off. We catch up to Snotlout easily.

Hiccup says, "Ok guys, Alvin wants Berk for himself."

"And now, he has dragons." I add.

"If he can train them to fight, we'll have to battle dragon riding Outcast soldiers up here."

"Up where?" Tuff asks.

"Here. In the sky. On your dragon." I say.

"Well I say, bring it on, Alvin!" says Snotlout.

There's a pause before Hiccup says, "Ok, Astrid, for this training exercise, you and Stormfly will act as our bad dragon."

"Stormfly, Battle ready." Astrid says. Stormfly roars and flies above us.

"The rest of you, make sure you don't get caught." says Hiccup. "If she catches you, you're out."

"Ok, go!" I say. Vision immediately takes off in a new direction.

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