Season 2, Chapter 2: The Iron Gronckle

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Season 2, Chapter 2: The Iron Gronckle

An Outcast ship was seen near Berk and we've been trying to find it. The only downside is that we've had to stop many times to let Fishlegs and Meatlug catch up. I know it's not their fault, but it's starting to become a detriment.

"We missed it!" Snotlout yells as we come to a stop. We land on a nearby sea stack.

"It was headed this way. It must have outrun us." says Astrid.

"How does an Outcast ship outrun our dragons?" asks Hiccup. Meatlug finally catches up and lands between Hookfang and Barf 'n Belch.

"That's how." says Snotlout.

"Whoa! We were really moving, girl. What did we miss?" asks Fishlegs.

"It's not what you missed," Snotlout says. "It's what we all missed!"

"Snotlout." Hiccup and I warn.

"What? I'm just calling it like I see it." He starts raising his voice as he continues. "If we didn't have slow and really really slow holding us back, I don't know maybe we'd have a chance to actually do what we're supposed to be doing!"

"Snotlout, that's not helping." Hiccup says.

"That's a bit harsh." says Astrid.

"Guys, he does have a point." says Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs." I say.

"No it's no big deal, Nara. You guys keep looking. Meatlug and I will circle back and patrol the cliffs. Shore up the rear." says Fishlegs, trying to make it seem like he's ok. He's pretty believable too. I would have fallen for it if I hadn't done the same for multiple years straight.

"Are you sure about this?" asks Astrid.

"Absolutely." he lies.

"Ok." Hiccup says. "Well use your dragon call if you spot anything."

"You know I will." Fishlegs says. The others start to fly away, but Vision stays still.

"Nara, you coming?" asks Astrid.

"I'm gonna stay here for a bit." I say. I hear Stormfly land again. I turn to Fishlegs. "Fishlegs, I know you're not ok with this."

"No, really I am--"

"Don't even try lying." I say. "I know what Snotlout said hurt you and I know exactly what you're doing and why. I did it for many years after I lost my sight. So I know."

I stay silent, hoping Fishlegs would say something, but he doesn't say anything. I sigh.

"Ok. I'm gonna go with the others now, but remember that if you need to talk, I'm always happy to let you express your feelings." And with that, Vision takes off. Stormfly soon joins us.

"Did you really mean that, back there?" Astrid asks.

"Yeah." I admit, hugging myself. "I didn't want people pitying me, so I just lied to everyone. I got so good even Hiccup thought I was better."

Astrid was silent for a while, before saying, "You know I'm here for you, right? You don't need to lie about how you feel to me." Vision and Stormfly squawk in agreement.

I really am the luckiest girl in all of Berk. I smile sadly. "I know."

I hear Stormfly fly towards us and Astrid jumps onto Vision. Landing behind me, the taller girl wraps her arms around me. I melt into her grasp and she kisses my head. I sigh and lean farther into her. Too soon, I hear the wing beats of the others. Astrid lets go and hops back onto Stormfly.

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