Season 2, Episode 14: Frozen

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Season 2, Episode 14: Frozen

A blistering blizzard came right through Berk and its surrounding area. Unfortunately, it came in while we were training in the arena. For the past week or so, we've been trapped in the old dragon cages. I'm just happy I brought my winter stuff. My damaged eyes had started to sting and indirectly warned me of the coming storm. That left us more prepared.

Now, as much as I would love to be trapped with Astrid for any amount of time, trapped with Astrid and the entire rest of the gang is much worse. The amount of sexual tension generated between me and Astrid is killing me. Unfortunately, I can't rip off our clothes and--

"So as you can see by the chart, proper wing control can be achieved by--"

Hiccup is interrupted by Snotlout getting Hookfang to blast the board. This is not the first time this week. Or this day. Or this hour.

Hiccup grunts with frustration before turning and asking, "Okay. Okay, who shot that fireball?"

Snotlout whistles with clearly fake innocence and Hookfang snorts smoke out of his nose. Noticing everyone looking at him, Snotlout asks, "Why are you guys looking at me?"

"Come on guys, we don't want to be here anymore than you do." I say as I stand up in my twin's defense. Can we just get back to training, please?"

"I say we play 20 Questions instead." suggests Snotlout. "Anyone? Anyone? Astrid and Nara, why do you both love me so much, huh?"

Astrid pretends to vomit, while I reach for a blunt arrow in my quiver. Unfortunately, Hiccup catches my hand and holds it away from my quiver. Saviour shifts a bit in his sleep as he's slung around my neck.

"Me, me, me." Tuff volunteers. "Okay, I'll go first. Question #1--"

Tuff gets pulled back, making a ruckus. Nevertheless, he still gets out his question.

"How do you play 20 Questions?"

Hiccup and I facepalm in unison. We then say, "Uh, can we try to stay focused, even for a second?"

"We've been stuck inside for a week straight, because of this crazy weather." says Astrid, putting down her axe. That explains it. Astrid hates anything straight. Just kidding, just kidding. Maybe. "We're all starting to go a little nuts."

As a clear example, Fishlegs randomly says, "Ooh, Mr. Pinky. Don't tell the others, but you are my favourite." Is he talking to his finger? Is he talking to his toe? Is he talking to one of Meatlug's claws? Who knows?

Hiccup and I sigh. We get interrupted as Ruff and Tuff laugh. Barf 'n Belch end up biting at something and moving in a circle.

"Barf 'n Belch just found out they have tails." Ruff states. "It looks like they really hate that idea."

"Yeah," agrees Tuff, "I got the same way when I found out I had a tail." Tuff also starts running in a circle as he says, "You can't hide from me forever, invisible tail! I'll get you!"

Ruff walks away laughing. She walks to us and whispers, "I may have told Tuff he has a tail too."

She runs off as Tuff says, "You can't hide from me for long."

The doors suddenly open and a gust of blistering icy cold wind rushes into the room. Pretty soon after, the door closes.

"Odin's Ghost, it's cold out there." Dad's voice rings out. Hiccup leads me over to him. "Worst freeze in the history of Berk. My-my beard is frozen solid."

"So, father, what brings you to the academy?" We ask together.

"Trader Johann hasn't reported to port." informs Dad. "If he's trapped out in the storm, he won't last through the night. I was think--"

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