Chapter 18: Gem of a Different Colour

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Chapter 18: Gem of a Different Colour

We're in hand to hand combat and Gobber is teaching. Ruff is bashing Tuff with her shield and gets him on the ground.

"As I've said a million times," Gobber says. "And as Ruffnut has demonstrated so splendidly, the shield can be your most important weapon. Who's next?"

"Hold on, I don't get to hit her back?" Tuff asks.

"On your own time. Hiccup, Astrid." Gobber says. Astrid smiles. It's an easy win for her and she gets to show off.

"Get him while he's talking." I whisper to my girlfriend.

"I don't think it's really fair for me to be fighting--"

Astrid starts attacking Hiccup, who dodges a lot of attacks, but is oh so easily subdued.

"When you're in a situation like this, it's best to remain calm and take deep breaths." Hiccup wheezes from under Astrid and Gobber continues. "When that's not an option, I would advise playing dead."

Hiccup easily stops struggling and plays dead. "Just like that." Gobber says. "Well done, Hiccup. Good form, Astrid."

Astrid then gets off my brother and walks to me. "Good job, babe." I whisper into her ear.

"Thanks, beautiful." Astrid whispers back, as Hiccup picks himself off the floor.

"You ok?" I ask Hiccup.

"Never better. Shoulder should pop into place in no time." Hiccup says.

"Snotlout, Fishlegs. Lets see what you got." Gobber calls out.

"Woo, I think we all know what I got. Snotlout, Snotlout, Oi! Oi! Oi!"

"Fishlegs," Gobber calls out. "Don't be shy. Vikings can't rely on dragons alone to protect them."

"Huh. Thoughts on Fishlegs' whereabouts? Anyone"

"None." I say.

"No idea." Hiccup says.

"No clue." Astrid says.

"Well if let's look over the island for him." Gobber says.

"Ok." I say. Then I turn to Astrid and whisper, "Meet me at the Cove." I quickly hop on Vision and make my way to the Cove.

After a few minutes, Stormfly lands and Astrid hops off.

"Hey, what about searching for Fishlegs?" Astrid asks.

"Well, he's probably with Meatlug, so I assume he's on another island. Come over here. I want a hug." I say, opening my arms. I hear Astrid scoff.

"Fine." She walks over to me and wraps me into a big hug. I lay my head on her shoulder and sigh, melting into her strong grasp. We stay standing for a while, just hugging each other. I like seeing what Astrid does when we hug for a really long time. Astrid isn't always the most affectionate person, so when I hug her for a really long time, she starts to get fidgety. She'll shift her wait from foot to foot, sway, or do anything to change it up a little.

"So are we just gonna stay like this or what?" Astrid eventually says.

"Ok, let's get the blankets." I say, before whistling for Vision to get the blankets.

I hear him walk off, before coming back and dropping the picnic blankets at our feet. Astrid spreads out the blankets, before we sit down and start cuddling. Vision and Stormfly take the other blanket and put it over us. I snuggle up to my girlfriend, who drapes her arm over my stomach and resting it on my back, pulling me closer.

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