Season 2, Chapter 9: Zippleback Down

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Season 2, Chapter 9: Zippleback Down

"Love, we need to go to meet Gobber in the academy." Astrid says.

I groan. "No, please. A little longer." I stubbornly plead, snuggling closer into her side. "I want more kisses."

We're currently cuddling in Astrid's house. Astrid is on her back and I'm half lying on her stomach. We're both completely topless. She's rubbing my bare back as I rest my head in the crook of her neck. I'm totally not committing her smell to memory. I don't know what you're talking about.

I feel her kiss my head. "Babe, we need to go. People are gonna come looking if we don't arrive on time." I stay silent. "Come on! Do you really want to be later than Snotlout and the Twins?"

I groan again and slowly get up. "Ugh, fine." I say with a pout. I slowly get off Astrid. She rolls over and tosses me some clothes. We put on our clothes and headed outside.

Right before I open the door, Astrid grabs my hand and pulls me back. I twirl and then feel Astrid's soft warm lips on mine. I giggle and kiss back, wrapping my arms around her neck.

We then leave and mount our dragons, Saviour landing on my shoulder before curling around my neck. We fly to the Academy.

As we land, we dismount. I start walking before Gobber calls out, "Nara, stop!"

I freeze, my foot in the air. "What?" I question.

"You're about to step onto a dragon trap." says Gobber.

I step back and ask, "Well who left that there?"

"It's for the job I have for you guys today." Gobber says. "We're just waiting for the Twins and Snotlout."

I feel Astrid's gentle calloused hand on my forearm lead me back from the traps and towards Hiccup. Not too long after, Snotlout and the Twins arrive, so Gobber starts.

I hear the sound of a pressure plate, a quick clanging of metal on metal, and Gobber dramatically screams, "AHHH THE PAIN!!!!! THE HORROR!!!" We all cringe at the screams, before Gobber then laughs as I hear a metal trap be pried open. "Don't soil your skivvies. I was just playing around. These dragon traps are made to withstand even the toughest of, well, dragons. They're nothing to play around with."

"Uh, I beg to differ." says Tuff. "That one with all the teeth has got Tuffnut written all over it."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Ruff agrees.

"You two can feel free to experiment on your own time. Now, who can tell me what this trap is called?" asks Gobber.

"Ruffnut Be Gone." Tuff laughs, for which he receives a flick from his twin. "Ow! Oh my lobe."

"It's called a Snapper." Fishlegs corrects.

"POtato, poTAto." Tuff says.

"Guys, this is really important." I say. "Eyes forward." I hear Ruff mutter on my hypocrisy. "Something you wanna say to my face, Ruffnut?"


"Then pay attention." I say, glowering in the Twins' general direction.

"No problem." Tuff says. I hear them clank their helmets together, causing me to sigh. Astrid subtly massages the tension from my shoulders, which I'm grateful for. I'd be lost without her.

Fishlegs continues, "Other traps include Ropers, Grabbers and Netters."

"Ahh well done, Fishlegs. But remembering how to unset them, that's what separates the men from maim." says Gobber.

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