Chapter 16: Defiant One

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Chapter 16: Defiant One

We're all flying through the cloudy sky.

"This is so lame. Why are we even out here?" Snotlout complains again.

"Cause this is our first dragon search and rescue mission." Hiccup says.

"Wasn't he listening to Dad?" I ask Astrid.

"Can he even listen?" Astrid says back. I shake my head, an amused smile on my lips.

"I see a lot of searching, but not much rescuing. Do you even know where we are?" Snotlout calls over the wind.

I fly towards him and say, "My Dad said the fishing boat was last seen heading south."

"You don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing down there. I say we go north." Snotlout says. I just shake my head, done with him. Astrid flies closer to us.

"And if Hiccup says we go north?" Astrid asks, proving her point.

"Are you trying to mess with my mind? Because nothing gets in here. Nothing." Snotlout calls.

"Clearly." I mutter to Astrid and Hiccup, who laugh softly.

"What does our map say, Fishlegs." Astrid asks.

"Kind of tough to read from this angle." Fishlegs says.

"You know what Hiccup, I'm done listening to you. I said north, so north is where I'm going." Hookfang roars in protest, so Snotlout says, "Hey! You work for me."

Hookfang turns and goes north, but not before hitting Snotlout with his horns.

"Are we just gonna let him go?" Ruff asks.

"Works for me." Tuffs says, to which I couldn't agree more. We enjoy a few moments of silence before,

"Hm hm." Astrid says.

"Argh, I'm going, I'm going. Nara, lead the others back, we'll get them." Hiccup says annoyed, before Toothless turns and flies back, going after Snotlout.

"Ok, you heard him. Lets go." I say, before leading us back to Berk.

When we get back, we land next to Dad and Gobber who are pushing a cart up the docks.

"I'm glad you're back. The boat has returned." Dad says.

"Could have told us that before we left." Tuff says.

"Excuse me?" Dad asks.

"Um, nothing, Chief. That was her." Tuff blames his sister.

"Hey!" Ruff says.

"Where's Hiccup?" Dad asks.

"He had to double back." I say.

"To get Snotlout." Astrid clarifies.

"I said leave him." Tuff says jumping from his dragon, along with Ruff. Dad must have glared at him, cause he then says, "Her again. I don't know what her deal is." Ruff smacks him.

"Nothing to worry about, Dad." I say.

"You know how hard it is to get him off that dragon." Gobber agrees. Dad just walks away. Fishlegs and the Twins go off somewhere, so Astrid and I head to her house.

As we walk through the door, Agnes, Astrid's mom, comes and gives us a hug.

"Hey girls. Erik is still out, so you guys have fun. But not too much fun." Agnes says as we head upstairs.

"Mom." Astrid groans, as I blush.

"I'm just saying."

"Let's go upstairs, before my mom embarrasses us any further." Astrid says and leads me upstairs.

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