Season 2, Chapter 18: Bing! Bang! Boom!

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Season 2, Chapter 18: Bing! Bang! Boom!

Hiccup made a new contraption called the Thunder Ear. It's a large horn that can hear things from far away. Useful if we need to hear something like the Screaming Death or Berserker armadas. Fishlegs is helping with the testing and Hiccup is just about ready.

"There we go." Hiccup says. "There. That should do it. So what do you think Nara?"

"First, we should see if it works." I say.

"I'm good with that." Hiccup says.

Just then, Dad flies up to us on Thornado.

"Kids, are you up there?"

He jumps off of Thornado's back and lands in front of the Thunder Ear.

"Thornado and I were busy surveying the village and— what in the name of Thor that contraption?" Dad asks.

"I call it the Thunder Ear. It can track dragon sounds from miles away." Hiccup says. "And that hopefully includes our friend, the Screaming Death."

"You're just in time to see the demonstration." I say.

"All right, demonstrate away." Dad says.

"Okay, now put your ear up to this." Hiccup says. "Toothless, plasma blast."

I hear the faintest whisper of Fishlegs singing even though I'm a foot away from the Thunder Ear.

"All right, Fishlegs." Dad says. "You and Meatlug can come out from wherever you're hiding. Very funny, kids. Joke's on the chief."

"Dad, it's not a joke." I say.

"Look." Hiccup urges, I assume offering the spy glass Hiccup brought with him.

There's silence in which I can barely hear Fishlegs' not so great singing.

"I think we could use this to hear enemy ships approaching as well." Dad says. "That Thunder Ear gets the chief's seal of— hang on."

Dad repositions the Thunder Ear and listens to something. He grumbles.

"Right hook man, eh?" Dad says.

Ohhhhh. Gobber.

Dad moves the Thunder Ear back.

"Ugh, oh, you can signal Fishlegs and Meatlug to stop." Dad says. "I don't know who's a worse singer, boy or the dragon."

"That's not Fishlegs." Hiccup says. "Yeah, no, definitely not Fishlegs."

Well, if it's not Fishlegs, then who or what is it?" Dad asks.

"Only one way to find out." I say, standing up, causing Saviour to chitter irritably.

"My thoughts exactly." Dad says.

While Hiccup and I mount on up, Dad whistles for Thornado. The Thunderdrum swiftly comes to Dad's side.

"Ah, would you look at that?" Dad says. "I never get tired of seeing that magnificent beast make his entrance."

Once Dad climbs on board, we take off on the direction of the sound.

"I thought it was coming from out here." Hiccup says.

Thornado suddenly dives down.

"Whoa, Thornado! I'll do the steering, if you don't mind." Dad says.

"No, Dad, let him go. I think he hears something." Hiccup says.

Just then, we come to a stop.

"Whoa, are those... baby Thunderdrums?"

"Orin's Ghost." Dad says. "No wonder Thornado knew where to take us."

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