Season 2, Chapter 19: Cast Out pt 1

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Season 2, Chapter 19: Cast Out pt 1

Today, we've decided to run a simple training exercise. A very simple exercise. Just a simple fly in, dodge some catapults, retreat.

It all started very simply. With Gobber yelling, "Catapult, fire!"

"Ambush!" Fishlegs shouts.

A barrage of boulders come flying our way. Toothless blasts one of them to rubble. Meatlug eats one. The rest of us nimbly dodge out of the way.

Another barrage comes, this one harder to evade. Ruffnut almost loses her head.

"Fall back, everyone." Hiccup orders. "There's too many of them."

And just as planned, we all turn back and fly away. Right?


But why, Nara? Why was that wrong?

My answer? Snotlout.

"You fall back!" Snotlout shouts. "I'm going in to finish this."

"Snotlout, that is not the exercise." I call back.

"Retreat!" Hiccup orders.

Snotlout does not retreat. Instead, he flies around and blasts one of the catapults. Now this catapult must not have liked getting blasted, because it fires a boulder.

Toothless rolls to avoid it, but Stormfly isn't so lucky as the boulder knocks Astrid out of the sky.


"ASTRID!" I shout in terror. "Vision, dive!"

Even as I say the words, Vision shoots down to the ground, faster than an arrow. We dodge a few branches, before grabbing Astrid right before she hits the ground.

We all land and I lay Astrid on the ground. I hold her head in my lap as I quietly pray for her not to be hurt.

"Please, Astrid, wake up." I plead. "Please, Astrid, please. I need you."

Thankfully, Astrid wakes up. She groans and says, "What? What happened?"

Just then, Hookfang comes flying in with a victorious Snotlout on his back.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! That's right!" Hookfang lands and Snotlout gets off. "That's how Snotlout retreats. He doesn't! Click-click-boom!" And then he laughs.

I look in his direction, seething in anger.

"What?" Snotlout asks. "Why are you all looking at me? I mean, listen, I know why you're all looking at me."

He flexes his muscles and it takes everything in me to not run over there and beat him into next century.

"What? It's Hiccup's stupid exercise."

"You have no idea what you did, do you?" I ask, standing up. Saviour snarls at Snotlout, unhappy that the boy made his trainer angry.

"Ah, yeah." Snotlout says. "Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever."


"Come on, she's fine." Snotlout says. "Look at her."

"That's fucking it." I say before letting loose a war cry and charging Snotlout. I tackle him to the ground and start punching him.

"Nara!" Hiccup shouts, but I don't listen.

I continue to slam Snotlout, taking Snotlout by the hair and slamming it into the dirt.

"Nara, stop!" Fishlegs shouts, trying to get me off the other boy. Suddenly, a strong force wraps around my waist and pulls me off Snotlout. I start flailing, trying to get another few hits on Snotlout and the person holding me.

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