Season 2, Chapter 12: The Flight Stuff

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Season 2, Chapter 12: The Flight Stuff

"I smell smoke." I say as we return from our scouting mission of Outcast Island.

"It's coming from the arena." Astrid says.

I turn towards the Twins. "What did you two idiots do?"

"Nothing." They say.

"For once they're not guilty. They've been with us all day." Hiccup says. "I'll go get the water."

Toothless dives down with a bucket. Soon, he returns with a bucket of sea water. We fly over the arena and Hiccup pors the water over the fire, extinguishing it. We all land in the arena.

"Gustav." says Hiccup.

I add, "How many times have we told you, you can't play in here."

"I'm not playing." Gustav corrects. "I'm dragon training."

"Poor kid." Snotlout says. "Ever since I let him into my inner circle, he wants to be just like his hero. Me."

"Gross and annoying?" Astrid asks.

"Arrogant and narcissistic?" I add. Astrid and I fist bump.

"No." Gustav says. "A Dragon Rider."

"Look around kid." Snotlout says as he rides Hookfang closer. "All of the dragon riding positions are taken. So unless one of us kicks the bucket, you're out of luck."

(*Time Skip*)

"I'M GONNA KICK THE BUCKET!!!!!!!" Snotlout screams.

It's been about a week since we returned from Outcast Island to find out what Dagur is doing and found Gustav in the arena. We're getting worried because he hasn't done anything since he took over Outcast Island with the Skrill Hiccup and the Twins refroze.

"Uh, Snotlout, do you mind?" say Hiccup as everyone turns away from the map.

"We're having a Dagur Meeting." I add.

"Dagur's here?!?!" Tuffnut asks.

Snotlout walks towards us as he says, "In the last week, I've seen 3 of the 5 signposts of Valhalla."

"WE KNOW!" We all shout at Snotlout. Ever since he saw the first one, he hasn't shut up about it. It's been driving us crazy hearing about his ludicrous ideas about dying.

"You know? And you're just standing there talking about stupid Dagur? One of your bravest, most treasured warriors is about to leave this world forever!"

I turn to Astrid, putting on a dramatic shocked face. "Oh my gods, Astrid, you're dying? Why didn't you tell us?" Everyone, but Snotlout chuckles.

"Look on the brightside." Tuff says. "At least you'll be in eternal paradise."

"So will we." Astrid mutters, causing everyone to chuckle again.

"Joke all you want about me." says Snotlout. "But what about Hookfang?" Hookfang just lies down, ready to take a nap. "The thought of him, without me, for the rest of his life," Snotlout fakes a sob. "It's just--"

"Are you done?" Hiccup asks.

"No." Snotlout says. "Not even close. Though devastated and still in pre-mourning," Snotlout pulls someone towards him, "Gustav has volunteered to carry on the Snotlout Legacy."

"It's an honour." Gustav says.

I groan and facepalm. Astrid mutters, "Please tell me he's not gonna fly around saying oi oi oi."

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