Chapter 20: We Are A Family, Part 2

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Chapter 20: We Are A Family, Part 2

We're flying after Hiccup, Gobber with Dad leading with Thornado. I know it's nighttime, because I'm tired and everyone has long stopped gawking at the sunset.

"The Isle of Night! Finally, the chance to see Night Furies in their natural habitat!" exclaims Fishlegs. "I'm bursting at the seems!"

"Don't wet yourself. I'm right behind you." Snotlout says.

"Gobber, Nara and I will check the north side." orders Dad. "You kids head south. If we find anything, you'll hear it from Thornado."

"Remember, Astrid's in charge!" I call to them as we break off.

We keep flying, the others trying to find any sign of Hiccup or Night Furies.

"You'd think an isle full of Night Furies would have more Night Furies." I say.

Moments later, I hear an explosion.


"Let's go!"

Our dragons turn and speed towards the explosion. Oh gods, I hope Astrid is alright! And Hiccup and the others.

We land and Vision walks up to someone. I hear Astrid's familiar breathing.

"We saw the Zippleback fire from the sky." says Dad.

"Did you find something?" I ask.

"We did." confirms Astrid. "A fake Night Fury."

"Where is it?" Dad asks.

"Uh, gone." Fishlegs says. "Blown to pieces actually."

"Let me guess." I say. "The Twins."

"Well what do we have here?" says Gobber. "Smell this." Fishlegs starts to gag as Gobber continues, "Nasty isn't it."

"Oh, I want to smell!" says Tuff eagerly. "Put it near my face."

"This false head was made of dragon skin." Gobber says. "Then covered with ash from a charred Loki tree."

"Loki tree?" Snotlout asks. "Never heard of it."

"That's because it only grows in one place." Dad says.

Gobber says, "Outcast Island."

Fear starts crawling up my spine as Fishlegs says, "Oh no."

"Hiccup is on Outcast Island." I say. We just stand silently for a moment until I continue, "Well what are we standing around here for? Let's ride!"

The others agree and we take off. Stormfly drifts next to Vision.

"Hey, Nara. how are you doing?" Astrid asks.

I sigh. "I don't know. I miss him, but I don't think it's fully sunk in yet." I say.

"I mean you both have been taken by Alvin before." reminds Astrid.

"Yeah, but I was there with him, we had a plan and we weren't on Outcast Island." I worry.

There's a pause. "Well if there's anything I can do, please tell me." says Astrid. I nod my head.

A little while later, Astrid calls out, "What's the plan?"

"Alvin knows we'll be coming from the skies." I point out.

"We need to find another way onto Outcast Island." agrees Dad.

"Stoick." Gobber says.

"Is that--?"

"I think it is." Gobber interrupts Dad.

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