Season 2, Chapter 1: Live and Let Fly

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Season 2, Chapter 1: Live and Let Fly

"Tell us what you know about the dragons, boy." I say in a deep and scary voice.

We're going over what to do if we get captured by Outcasts like Hiccup was. It's Fishlegs' turn as the captive and my turn as the interrogator.

"Tell us how you train them." I say in the same voice.

"I won't talk." Fishlegs says firmly. He tries to escape the ropes, but to no avail. "You can't make me."

"Oh, I think we can." I say. I motion to the others and they put the torches out. I know Fishlegs is terrified of being alone in the dark, so I stay quiet.

"Hello." Fishlegs says softly, before getting more panicked. "Is anybody there? Y-you c-can't leave me in here." Fishlegs' breathing quickens further before he cracks.

"Ok! Ok, Hiccup is the leader of the Berk Dragon Academy. He rides a Night Fury named Toothless. Hiccup's sister and second in command is Nara. She's blind and rides a male green and orange Deadly Nadder named Vision. She is really nice, but can be tough when she needs to. Then there's Astrid. She's mean, but in a nice way. Her dragon is a female blue and yellow Deadly Nadder named Stormfly. Like Vision, she shoots spines, loves chicken. Snotlout rides a Monstrous Nightmare. We're not actually sure who's more monstrous, him or the dragon. Then there's the Twins. They share a Zippleback. Actually they fight over it." says Fishlegs so quickly, it's almost hard to keep up. During his confession, Meatlug and Toothless walk up next to Fishlegs.

Toothless fires, lighting the torches. We all look at Fishlegs.

"What, you know I hate the dark." defends Fishlegs.

"Great. Fishlegs. More like guppy-legs." Tuff says.

"Fishlegs, you can't cave in." I say nicely, no longer using my scary voice. "Alvin will do a lot more than turn out the light to get you to talk."

"He had me locked in a dungeon, ready to be executed. Toothless was chained and muzzled for days. You need to stick with what we discussed. Your name, where you live, and nothing else." says Hiccup.

"Alright, I'll work on it." whines Fishlegs. I frown, knowing he feels terrible.

"Mean. I'm not mean." Astrid says angrily as everyone starts to leave..

"It's ok, Astrid. I like mean girls." Snotlout says, making Astrid punch him.

"Ok, Fishlegs. Since everyone left, I'm gonna try to untie you." I say, knowing Astrid is gonna come running back when she notices I'm not with them.

I fumble around with the ropes for a few minutes, which does nothing. I wait around until I hear Astrid running back. She turns a corner, sees me and audibly sighs in relief.

"There you are, Nara. I couldn't find you." She says in relief.

"Oh, I was just trying to untie Fishlegs." I say innocently.

"Oh and how is that working out for you." sasses my girlfriend.

"Well that still depends." I say back.

"Can one of you please untie me?" Fishlegs interrupts in a scared voice.

Astrid sighs then scoots me over. I happily let her untie Fishlegs. 

"Wow, you actually made it worse that it already was." Astrid teases.

"Ha ha." I say jokingly.

When she's done, Fishlegs mutters a thank you, before walking away with Meatlug. Once he's out of Astrid's sight, she...

Punches my shoulder.

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