Season 2, Chapter 10: A View to a Skrill pt. 1

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Season 2, Chapter 10: A View to a Skrill pt. 1

Bucket and Mulch are 2 days behind schedule. Dad has been worried about it, so he suggested we go look for them. I tried to argue, because I had planned a secret date with Astrid, but my Dad loved the idea and sent us off immediately.

So now, Snotlout, Hiccup, Astrid and I are freezing our butts off in the cold north, trying to find the 2 fishermen.

"We're getting pretty far north." I say.

"Bucket and Mulch are 2 days overdue. We need to keep searching." Hiccup replies.

"You don't really think they're up here, do you?" Astrid asks. I hear her shiver in the freezing wind.

Snotlout, being Sntlout, says, "Can't take the cold, can you Astrid?"

"No, I just don't have a heated seat, like you do."

"That's right. You don't." Hookfang then heats up, warming Snotlout up.

"Looks like they're in trouble," says Hiccup.

"Berserkers!" Astrid says.

"Come on, then." I say. I missed our last tangle with Dagur, so I'm ready to send him a message. Saviour latches onto my head, ready for a fight.

We swoop down and I ready my arrows.

"Vision, follow Stormfly!"

As we fly down, I hear the sounds of crossbows. One Berserker says, "Surrender or--"

He gets cut off as Stormfly, Vision and I fire a volley of spikes and arrows at them. We then fly up out of range.

"Nice shooting, girls." Hiccup praises.

"Snotlout. Light em up!" I say.

Snotlout whoops as Hookfang burns the gangplank between the Berserkers' and Berk's ship. Hiccup then comes in and blasts them away.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The lead Berserker yells.

They quickly retreat as we land. Once they're out of the others' sight, Hiccup and Astrid start asking what happened.

"Well we thought the Berserkers had hit an iceberg, an-and we came to help." says Mulch "They attacked us. Because we saw... it."

After a brief pause, Hiccup, Astrid and I ask, "It?"

Mulch and Bucket then lead the rest of us onto the iceberg. We follow them, before I trip slightly. Luckily Astrid caught me.

"After all this time, I'm still falling for ya." I whisper in her ear. She laughs and pulls me back up.

We follow for a little farther, before we stop.

"It!" Mulch exclaims.

Astrid and Hiccup go to take a closer look, while I stay back.

"What is it?" I ask.

"That looks like a... dragon." says Hiccup.

"What kind?" I ask.

"I don't know. It's trapped in the ice." Hiccup admits.

"Why would Berserkers be trying to dig it out?" Astrid asks.

"No idea. But I'm gonna find out." Hiccup says.

"Oh great. Now we have to dig it out." Snotlout complains.

"Actually, I have a much better idea." Hiccup says.

He quickly explains his plan and we set to work.

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