Season 2, Chapter 11: A View to a Skrill pt. 2

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Season 2, Chapter 11: A View to a Skrill pt. 2

It's been hours of searching with no avail. I can't really help with the search, but Vision is crucial to this search. Both Stormfly and Vision are our best trackers. On the plus side, I get to tag along with the mortal goddess (Astrid).

"Babe, it's been hours. They've probably gone home." I say.

Astrid groans and says, "Love, I know you want to go back, but we need to find the twins before anything happens."

"But we've been searching for hours. Hiccup said that we should return to Berk once night fell. Night fell like an hour ago. We can't look for them if we fall asleep on our dragons." I reason.

After a few seconds, Astrid agrees and we head back.

When we get back, Hiccup is the only one still out. Fishlegs is waiting for our return. Astrid quickly says goodnight and heads home (not before giving me a goodnight kiss when Fishlegs isn't looking.). However, not long after our return, I hear Toothless's wing beats.

Toothless lands and Hiccup dismounts. Fishlegs and I approach him.

"Hiccup! Any sign of them?" I ask.

"None." He says sadly.

"The other riders have come in for the night." I say. "They're resting their dragons."

"I don't blame them." Fishlegs says. "I mean look at Meatlug, Saviour and Vision. She's sleep flying and he's barely able to stay standing."

Meatlug drools a bit of lava while rocking back and forth in the air and Vision keeps having to stand up tall, before drooping down beside me. I take Vision's head in my hands as he slumps to the ground, purring. Saviour is already passed out on Vision's back.

"I got some provisions. I'm going back out there." Hiccup says.

"Wait, what are you gonna do?" Fishlegs asks. "Fly all night?"

"If I have to, yes."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I ask.

As he remounts Toothless, Hiccup says, "Well I can't rest knowing the twins are lost out there."

"Well, I'm going with you." I say stubbornly.

Meatlug then crash lands into Fishlegs. Vision crouches down, groaning tiredly.

"No, Nara. You guys need some rest. I'll be back soon." And with that, Toothless takes off.

"Wait!" I call, but they're long gone. I sigh and turn to Fishlegs. "Well let's turn in for the night."

"Right." He says and starts leading Meatlug home.

I yawn and stretch, before sitting next to a passed out Vision and waiting to hear the familiar sound of wings.

The next morning, I wake up to the purring snores of Vision. I lean up and my head hits something. I bring my hand up to find out what it is and I feel the familiar feeling of Vision's wing. I quickly realize, I'm trapped in a spoon. Vision is acting as the big spoon and Saviour is curled up as the little spoon. As I crawl out of Vision's embrace, I'm hit with the cold wind today brings.

"Where have you been?!?!" I jump as I get tackled to the ground as my amazing girlfriend body-checks me to the floor. Astrid then straddles me and punches my arm. Hard.


"Where have you been!?!?" Astrid shouts furiously.

"I was waiting for Hiccup and Toothless to come home!" I protest as Astrid continues to pummel me. "OW! That one really hurt! Can you stop--Ow! Punching me? Ow! I just fell asleep waiting."

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