Chapter Eighteen//Sharp Dressed Man

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"I am sorry everyone. The Five Evenings can't perform tonight. There has been difficulties among the others and we are working on fixing it. They are going to perform here tomorrow night hopefully though so please be here tomorrow too for a fucking great time!" Patrick boomed in the microphone. 

There was chatter in the whole crowd. There was mixed emotions throughout the crowd as they all were starting to love the band and they were all being adored instead of just being the opening act. Their radio interview was broadcast everywhere as the most iconic interview of all time. Mike was called the scary one and there was posters holding up by fans that had pictures of them. One even had Nat on their posture. In the picture Nat was flipping the crowd off and Patrick sighed as he had to walk away from looking at all of that. 

But it was hard when the band was being held for question....

Chapter Eighteen//Sharp Dressed Man 

Four Hours Before..

Bob was six feet and nothing inches as Charlie was only five eight on a good day. His stature was more muscle and that was hard as Charlie was proud of his figure. Charlie felt suffocated as he walked over to Margot at the ending machine. Bob held that glare at him. Margot looked at Charlie and then held the cup bag up to her hands. She pulled it apart and threw one in her mouth. Charlie took a quarter and looked behind him. He saw Bob was still looking at him. Charlie put the quarter into the slot and selected some Oreos. As it went down Margot finally went out and asked him, "what is going on with you and Bob?"

Charlie looked at Margot and suddenly a fear struck him that she could know about him seeing what he saw. He was afraid of the worse and fuck, there it was. 

"Ugh," he paused and the opened the Oreos. He took one in his mouth, "why would you ask that? There isn't anything. We were just talking about...the setlist."

Margot dipped into his bag and Charlie gawked at her as if saying she didn't have a whole bag of chips to herself? Margot took one to her lips and then took it away. He stared at Charlie in the eyes, "you know what, Charles? You are right. A setlist is so important to make tension about."

Charlie followed Margot down the hall as he cursed to himself and wondered how she knew so much without even realizing barely anything. Margot was that person though. She could know everything by just knowing one thing. All the rest was history you could say and that was that, nothing else. No matter how much people tried there wasn't much that got behind from Margot. They got to the lobby and both of them looked at each other as they saw two or three police officers were talking to the lobby clerk. 

The lobby clerk looked over at them and that's when the feeling hit Charlie. Charlie dropped the bag of Oreos and then Margot glanced down. She picked them up and nudge him. Charlie kept his glance at the guy and when the guy pointed right to Charlie, Charlie turned around quickly. He took Margot's hand and made her follow him down the lobby entrance. They heard the keys dangling behind them but Charlie didn't care. Something was up and there was no way he was going to go down this whole thing alone.

The guys were at the pool. They were all surrounded at the table in the matter of seconds before the officers were also there. Vince set down his acoustic guitar down and then greeted the officers, "hello gentlemen is there something we could help you with?"

'Yes. A few cities up there was a homicide," one of the officers replied and took off his glasses. He put them in his front pocket and Charlie turned to him as the man kept his stare at Vince. Vince was the only guy that could talk to these type of folks and not get nervous. 

Charlie didn't know why he was so nervous. He wasn't the one that did, after all so why would he be so nervous now?

"And that has something to do with us?" Nat asked as he sat down on the beach bench. He looked at one of the officers. The officer cleared his throat and Nat jolted up. These officers wanted respect that was one thing for sure. 

"Yes it actually does. It was at your concert. Well the tour anyway was after your little stunt of going away quickly. There are just questions we need to ask you guys," another officer answered and then looked at Charlie. Charlie held a speechless expression. He couldn't say anything but it did happen anyway.

"You can't do it here?"

"Afraid not," the officer pull out his notepad. He took everyone's names down and Margot pulled Charlie aside. 

"Do you know what's going on?" Margot blinked a few times to see if Charlie held any lies underneath. He was being a hard person to read right now. 

"We already have talked to your manager a few minutes ago. He is coming down the station to be asked questions," the officer told the rest of the group. 

Charlie closed his eyes and kept them closed. He didn't need this right now. He thought Bob wouldn't say anything because of his label. What if Bob said something to officer to make them believe that Charlie did it? That would be messed up but if there was one thing that Charlie learned from this trip so far was that anything was possible. Bob was an impulsive liar and manipulator. He could make anyone just putty in his hands just by a wave of his hand. His little dressed up attitude from his hair right down to his shoes. Men wanted to be him and women wanted him. But by the end of the day Charlie was seeing him for who he actually was....a liar.

"What?" Charlie looked at Margot finally and then shook his head. He tried to not make it seem like he knew anything for the matter. How could you know anything by something you didn't know happen? Margot might have been oblivious or just act like it. Either way it was frightening Charlie, "no I do-don't."

Margot blew a sigh, "Charlie," she murmured. She narrowed her look and pulled him close, "you can't lie to them. If you know anything that happened you have to tell them. You can't keep anything from officers, you know that right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course."

Charlie saw Bob walking over to the officers and shaking their hands. He then met Charlie's glaze and then called him over, "sport!"

Charlie froze in his spot again. He couldn't do this now...Definaetly not now.

Charlie went back to the officers and one of them shook their head, "son we found your prints on the victim."

Charlie turned around and saw the disappointed look that Margot had. Margot shaking her head mutter 'bastard' and went over to the other girls. 

"Charles Gillespie you are under-"

As the will was told off to him he kept his gaze over at Margot. The girls looked horrified to see Charlie being handcuffed and pulled off from them. Vince look at Charlie and knew he couldn't have done it. If Charlie did it or if any psychopath did it they wouldn't have remorse holding them back. Charlie held that expression of terror and of fright as he was shook and walked to the cop car. As Mike smoke his last part of his blunt he put it away and then made his way over to Vince. Vince turned to him and bit his lip as if saying he knew Charlie couldn't even harm a fly much less kill someone is broad daylight of a thousand people. Only a series killer could do such a thing and how come a kid from Canada who was afraid at first of leaving his Mama could do?

Lets get this chapter three votes and I will post the second part right after it hits. This book is only getting started and I want to keep ya on your toes with a short ass chapter...I forgot what it felt like doing them... OPPS

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