Chapter Five// Hurts So Good

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I have hit 100 reads!! Yay!! Tell your friends *says in reggies voice* I wanna thank you for everyone who is reading!! Yall mean so much to me.

This chapter is dedicated to Aurora  hardtoleave she is frickin amazing!! She has been voting and commenting since day 1 on this roller coaster of a novel. She also has one of my fav fanfics out now!!

Chapter Five// Hurts So Good

"You know how it is. Sometimes they get the dates wrong, Charles. What am I supposed to say to you? That you're this age?"

Charlie looked at her and then looked away. He got furious, "what do you mean by this age? Like mama h-how old am I?"

"Those police officers they never get the things correct. They always do it wrong. I blame the county! I blame the city and-"

"You blame everyone else besides yourself. When are you going to wake up and realize the world isn't against you? The world is not against me and the world is not against us!"

She threw her hands up, "Who couldn't be against us? Everyone in the city knows he was missing in 1976."

"I know it was me." He took the poster from his pocket and showed Mama it,"With that being said.... how old am I truly? What does it say on my birth certificate? I really want to know because you are not giving me any answers you are just sitting there with a beer in one hand and nothing in the other. I don't think I have any seen it..."

Mamma looked at the ground, "I haven't shown you it because it was for your own good you were too small for your age."

"Knock that shit off; you know you only stopped me from being in the correct grades because you were so scared of losing your other son. You said Phil said all these lies but you fed me lies my whole life! How old am I?"

"Okay I didn't allow you to be in kindergarten until you were seven or maybe it was eight...I...I don't know."

"You're telling me i was older rhan nine then when Phil left us ?"

"Yes Charlie as of next week you are going to be twenty one. It is not my fault you shot up inches in one year."

"It is not my fault either.. You kept this from me and... Phil allowed it! Why did he allow it?" Charlie almost pulled out his hair, "ugh  I need air...I need to go to bed and so do you. I can't do this right now...." he turned toward his room, " I can't believe you."

Charlie went to his room and flopped on the bed really hard. He looked up at the poster and he saw the band. That was the thing, artists never lie to you. When they think you're good they tell you. They are straight up with you with what is wrong or right. It wasn't hard for Mama to just not lie to him.

He was confused about what everything meant that. There was almost four years spent down the drown of him not knowing how old he was. How did this even happen? When did it happen? And why did Phil allow this to happen to him? He had so much things on his mind that eventually he went to sleep.

By morning there was a knock on the door, he jerked up and yelled, "go away!"

"I just want you to talk to me,Charles. Just one second I have breakfast done for you." Mama stepped back from the door and hesitated to knock on the door again.

"What... are you gonna lie? Say it's a eggs but actually it is toast and jam, huh?"

"What I was wrong and I think we both need space. Please come outside."

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