Chapter Eight// Live is Life

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Fun fact of this song is that it was actually a European top chart in 1985 but was recorded in 1984. It wasn't even in the US until 1986!! For the purpose of this chapter let's pretend it is 84!!

Also I just remembered that I haven't done the faceclaim for Margot quite yet....

I present to you...

Saoirse Ronan as Margot Road

Chapter Eight// Live is Life

     Those that have been to a concert before knows the feeling that envelops in your soul. Most of the time it cradles your anxiety away and it makes you feel important... makes you feel dreamlike. Patrick felt that every single time he stepped foot into a stadium. Each time that he watch someone's single be sung by thousands of people. He wondered what it felt like to be on the other side of the stage.

Charlie always dreamed of making it big one time in his life. In this time as he watched Bruce Springsteen on the stage he knew this was the time of his life. Next to Patrick and around ten thousand other people.

Almost a gut feeling hits him though. He was being watched somehow and some way. Someone was watching him and he didn't know who or what.

He eventually had to go to the restroom so he excuse himself to Patrick and walked there. It was a pretty big line so he started waiting.

There were all of them lined up in the line probably twenty or so. He went inside.

When he got in there he got a feeling of a memory. He could remember the moment that Phil told him all about what it would be like at a concert. He could remember the moment Phil put Charlie on top of his shoulders and carried him around as they danced to the Who.

Phil had great music taste. If it wasn't for him Charlie wouldn't even be here. Charlie wouldn't be able to do a lot of things if it wasn't for Phil's influence and it got him thinking about what mama said...

How she said that Phil only fed Charlie lies .Phil could have fed him a lot of things but lies could not be one of them. Who could lie about something so particular when it came down to music?

"Hey are you gonna be in there for an hour?"  he heard a loud bang.

Charlie snapped out of his thought and then went outside of the porter potty. He used the handsantizer that was provided and wiped it all over his hands.

The whole set from there on out was anything short of amazing. Patrick couldn't stop smiling as he was dancing with Charlie a lot of the time. They were goofing off and made a show for anyone that was around them.

When it came down to the last song they decided start walking outside of the stadium.. They figured the walk back to the hotel is only a couple of miles down.

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