Chapter Nine//Blue Monday

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My boyfriend got in a very bad accident and I have had to help him all week and without a laptop writing was very difficult. But I did get a new one today so yay:) 

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please share around like peanut butter my goal is 1k reads in two weeks!! But I am forever grateful for the reads I do have. 


Chapter Nine//Blue Monday

              It was the morning afterward and everyone was hungover as they were waking up from the night before. Charlie was out on the balcony of the hotel room. The hotel music speakers were blaring Summer by War and he looked around before coming back in. Even though Charlie wasn't hungover he still felt off. This place was supposed to make him feel better and it didn't. He hasn't felt anything because he hasn't performed quite yet.

Nat was trying to sleep like always. Each time someone even remotely made a sound he was up out of his laying down and would yell at them.

Patrick and Charlie would hesitate to laugh each time. Although like everyone else if they were going through a hangover  they wouldn't want anyone to laugh at them either.

Mike was in the room with them. He was looking for some coffee and he didn't want the lobby coffee because the lobby coffee always tasted like shit. He didn't care if Nat said he wasn't getting enough sleep.

Suddenly the drummer comes in and spoke his first words, "I don't know about you guys but that was a night."

"Okay. Well don't yell too loud you might wake up Nat,"  Patrick joked, " which by the way, what is your name? I never really got it."

"Bruce but everyone calls me-"

"No name. We get it, we get it. Yeah he is always featured in articles about that. They should probably call him crazy Bruce, " Mike leaned on the wall, "I couldn't go one day without talking."

Patrick looked at Mike and then jokingly said, "I think even I have figured that out."

"Haha," Mike mimicked a laugh.

"Charlie, I wanna get up. Can you go and get something from Vince for me?" Mike rekindled back onto the bed.

Charlie smiled and then went back to him with his hands in his pockets, "What is it?"

"Common sense because I really don't think I did okay last night."

Charlie laughed and he got up.

 He then made his way into the hallway when he got in the hallway he saw Tanya and Lori were on the bench sleeping. They were on top of each other.... they were one of those type of hangovers.

 He got some water from the crate that was next to them and put them near them so it was his way of saying 'drink up you dumbasses'.

Charlie never really had a hangover before he didn't know what it really felt like.  All he  knew was that it wasn't his style because he always saw others and Mama having them. He was under the impression of being under age so he never got drunk or anything. He went to Vince's Room and knocked on the door.

No answer not even a 'go away', so Charlie knocked on the door louder and harder this time.

Someone made their way to the door and was unlocking it. Then Margot popped up.

"A good morning to you too , Charlie, " Margot opened the door, "don't you have somewhere to be. Something to sing. Just not be here."

"You're the worst type of hangover, you know that?" Charlie asked and then he was thinking about last night. He thought that maybe Margot would have a thing for him the way that she was looking at him.  However, Charlie like always couldn't tell if a woman ever liked him or if a woman would like him.

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