Chapter Thirteen// Sweet Dreams

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The song in this chapter is Metlica's Nothing Else Matters. Yes it was written in '91 but for this purpose it is a story...that and I love this song so of course I am going to make sweet Charlie write it as he is going through something. 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! If you read these author notes please say what your favorite character is and why!! 

Chapter Thirteen// Sweet Dreams 

              Everyone wishes life was all about rainbows and glitter but it wasn't always like that. Life was an expedition of many wonders, secrets, and according to Patrick murder. Patrick couldn't know shit. He was only a few years older than Charlie. It wasn't like he had many years before him. It was as if he had many days of life before Charlie and Charlie never thought like that. he always thought that he had life figured out. He wasn't even graduated yet and he found out he was twenty two after al....yeah that could change life's retrospect. It could turn a one eighty on such a positive outlooking guy. It could change that man in the mirror and it never wanting to change back. Before all of this, Charlie thought of the world as a beautiful life. He was grateful for everything around him but ever since last night he isn't quite sure if he could think like that or not. 

Not matter how many times he could wish and dream life was black and white. You either saw it like it was or you pictured it being this lie. If one thing you should learn from it was that life was like lies. You can sniff it from a mile away or you couldn't spot if from a few feet in front of you. Those lies and those dreams could be people right in front of you and you would recognize them to be a certain way. No matter how much you can blink your eyes they could be fake though. Reading into people never could happen in Charlie's life but right from the start he could have sensed something from Bob. Whether if he could want to act upon that feeling he never would know how. How could you not surround yourself around that when what you want is surrounded by them? How could Charlie get out of this wreck of a mess he accidentally got mixed up in? 

Charlie turned back into the side of the booth and looked into the cafe's front yard again. When he couldn't find a certain good thing out of the window he turned his eyes to the wall next to the window and started counting the little specks of the cheap paint. He started 1, 2 , 3, 4 and then what he found next was way worse. Even when he kept still he found himself thinking of how he could have sworn it was Phil's face. 

One of the horrible things that clouded his mind was of Patrick's face pleading to Mike to not break his camera. That felt like a forever ago already but it was just ten minutes ago. When you looked at them now you wouldn't have guessed that it was like that. You couldn't have guessed that the two had a brawl out in front. You couldn't tell that Mike had a swelled up middle part of his nose where Patrick gathered enough nerve to sucker punch him into the bus. The bus was five feet away from where Mike was at and yet Patrick had enough smoke to light the flame. He was gathered up by Mike two seconds later. Then two seconds later Bob had gathered enough stamina to push both of them back. 

It was crazy. How life could gather two scenarios in the matter of six seconds and they could get resolved in the matter of minutes. It was absolute crazy that life could be pretty and sunshine for a day then rain pours down harder than a falls. It wasn't always like that for the guys. Charlie knew that. He knew tour life was going to be hectic and crazy but he didn't know it was going to be the way it was going to be. It wasn't like he could push on a switch and make it easy. Life wasn't like that. It was hard to believe it wasn't but Charlie understood that somewhere in his mind. He saw the two guys share a big plate of nachos and laugh as they both dipped salsa and poured it on their own heads. Patrick and Mike shared a moment and Charlie didn't know what it was. Was it let biggons be biggons? Was it a bro code where let's not get ours jobs in between this? Was it....He didn't know what to think but Charlie was dumbfounded that no one asked what was wrong or even really cared. 

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