Chapter Nineteen// Hey, Hey, My My

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Chapter Nineteen// Hey, Hey, My My 

Charlie Gillespie felt like a prisoner to his own imagination as he was held in the room for what seemed to be hours. He was hand cuffed to the table and he stared at the table specs. He counted each one until his eyes became drooping. He started humming and he blinked his eyes. His throat was sore from crying a little in the room all by himself. He didn't know if that was a good sign or not. You also didn't know if he was able to sing tonight. Actually he really did wonder if the concert was going to happen in the first place, "hey hey my my rock in roll can never die. There's more to the picture than what meets the eye," he started sobbing again, 'hey hey my my."

He hated how this whole tour has made him this other person. At home, he was Charlie Gillespie. He had this whole light to him as he was walking down the hallways. He was this little nerd that every person loved because he was a person that could be easily adored. He wasn't even athletic. He was just in good shape his last year and he took advantage of it. The boys wanted to be his best friend. he was this carefree spirit that wanted to try everything once if his Mama approved. In his eyes, school was where he was able to make that escape. His room was also one. But at school he was known to be that one guy who sang at dances and at games sometimes. He was known as Charlemander by his best friends in school. Out of school was a different picture though. 

Charlie didn't have a job until getting the studio job that he was going to have when he did return home. What if he wasn't going to return home though. What if this was a one time thing and this whole career was a bust. What if after today everything changed and nothing could be the same. What many what ifs that never could be answered and Charlie hated the fact of that. He hated that he couldn't ask these questions out loud. If he did the stares he would get in return. The amount of pressure it took to be Charlie and no one else. He was this guy who had to age what..three years because he was lied to. He went from only performing at dances to this guy who was now touring. The big leagues. Was he really ready for it. He wasn't even sure by this point. He had a different picture of touring than it was already. He had this great picture of touring. 

He knew tour wasn't going to be easy but how bad could it be fully? He didn't know that it was going to be this hard. He thought of the night at Bruce Springsteen concert and he wanted that back. He knew he couldn't have it again. That was given but he thought life was infinite and thought life was good. He couldn't be the furthest from right. He had so many thoughts about that night and the next morning afterward. He had so many memories and how did it change so easily because of a simple yet so indifferent act behind a stage. He now had this incision of tour being something so dark and not something to be easily like. He had those thoughts of murder and he had those thoughts of murdering Bob. What if Bob just got the same taste of his own medicine. What if Bob got scared of Charlie? Charlie wasn't one to scare a person but by this point Bob was asking for it. He did that and then now he made Charlie be here in these chains. 

Charlie regrets so many things in his life. He regretting taking no one's side in the matter oh Phil leaving. He regretted the way he left. He regretted the way that he sat there in this room and felt bad for himself. But he did regret making what the others felt about him now. They probably hated him now. They loved him and adored him like everyone else before their time but now that probably change with them knowing he was a suspect of a murder that happened. They all had their suspicions. Especially Mike, but Mike knew somewhere deep down that it wasn't him. He probably felt like a fool by now. That all those others knew he was this talented and nice person who had a bad moment and that changed him. Charlie did black out. What if those steps weren't there and he actually did it? What if when he thought it was Phil it was him that bashed the guys skull in? couldn't have been. Even if Charlie did have regrets that was one thing he couldn't regret to. He didn't do or could do such a thing. Mama could know that....Mama

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