Chapter Eleven// Every Breath You Take

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This chapter was so long wtf. I got in a zone and before I knew it, it was like three thousand words. I wasn't even done with it!! Omg well. A lot does happen and a lot is mentioned....

so enjoy!!

Chapter Eleven// Every Breath You Take 

               "What is cappuccino?" Charlie asked as he looked at Phil's drink and Phil started to slurp it up a little. It was white and it made Charlie's nose scrunch up as he didn't know if it was natural or not. Mama always wanted the boys to have natural ingredients as it was healthy for growing boys. 

Or maybe not so much growing. But Charlie knew the rules Mama bestowed on them so long ago. He knew that things with espresso never had the right ones either. Either that or the milk in it. Either way he did recall Mama talking about it as if it was the worse thing for them. She always had the refrigerator piled up with vegetables and fruits. She barely had them eat meats. Maybe once a month and when she did make them breakfast she gave them eggs which was technically in the meat group but that was her only exception. 

"It is hot expressio with some cream kid, I have had such a long week I think I deserve this much, "Phil slurped up a little bit more. 

Charlie wasn't a typical boy he didn't want to get into trouble with Mama because it was important to listen to her. It's always important to listen to your relatives and your Mama. They had more power than you. They were older and they lived more than a life than you. It only made sense to live by her rules. He didn't find them fair sometimes but what kid followed their parents rules and liked them? Charlie didn't want Phil to get into trouble either as Mama could be right there. She could have a spy on them and watch all their moves....sure it was him being paranoid but being paranoid wouldn't be worse than getting in trouble. 

"You don't need to worry about it, bud. Mama isn't around here at all right now and no she couldn't just hire a spy for us. She can barely afford rent and food," Phil ruffled Charlie's hair then got up. He threw the cup in the garbage. He got back into the chair and then sighed a little. Charlie was very paranoid with how Mama was handling things. It was unfair to raise him in that type of household. It was hard on Phil when he was the only child but it was harder on Charlie now that he was the second child and Mama got stuck in her ways. Phil leaned forward in the chair and then turned toward Charlie, "listen not following Mama's rules hasn't killed me yet, right? This could just be a secret between us if you wanted it to be."

And that's what happened.

They kept that secret all this time. The memory of a child can outlive an adult. A child remembers the littlest thing because they are a small sponge just soaking all that in. He remembered a lot of things Phil did and what he would say. It was hard to believe he was his brother but it was a best friend relationship. Phil being a protecter of course. He never let Charlie break the rules. Even if he did, he always took the blame for them. Each time that happened Charlier begged Mama with his big hazel eyes that Phil lied about it being only him. Charlie wouldn't get punished he would get praised for the truth. Mama wasn't hard on him always. 

But for Phil it was like she did it on purpose. She made these rules just for him to break them. She made the rules knowing he would do it. 

Charlie never knew what it was like being Phil and the bigger brother. For his sake he never would find out either....

Charlie woke up and sprung up from the position of his bed.He was sweating and he put his hands in his hair as it was soaked. The bed underneath him was soaked too. He didn't pee the bed as his boxers were only soaked with sweat. He smelt the bed for a second to make sure and then threw himself down on the floor the rest of the way. He sat there and started to breathe slowly. He didn't know his brother had that much of an impact on his life until a few months ago. He kept getting bizarre dreams about the weirdest things. He didn't know what any of them meant. All he knew was that it was important the dreams or memories go away. No matter what he always found himself poured with sweat because of these memories. He sometimes even screamed after waking up from them because that was the only times he was able to see his brother again. In these dreams he was small but had the mentality he had now. In these dreams and memories Phil wasn't always nice and Charlie wasn't always naive. 

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