Chapter Twelve// (I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight

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Chapter Twelve// (I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight 

          Once in a while when time stops and you can't tell what life is. Sometimes it is hard to depict the difference between real life and the fantasy of your dreams. The two don't play hand in hand at all and when you wake up from those memories it is hard to know the difference between the real world and a dreams. In dreams you know who you are and you know where you are going. In real life you don't have that option. 

Charlie held the guy in his hands and slowly his vision became clear again. His eyes blinked a few times and finally he noticed it wasn't Phil. It didn't look like Phil the slightest bit. The man had long hair and grey eyes. They were mesmerizing as Charlie didn't know what to do. What do you do in this sort of predicament. It's not every day someone dies in your arms. That is what the man was doing as Charlie started to hyperventilate. His breaths were fast and he needed to gather his thoughts before thinking he could help this guy. It wasn't a game. Or a dream. This was real life and real time. A guy was in his arms dying. He held a puncture wound that was in the guys head and then looked up for any help. 

"Hello!" Charlie yelled and tried to wave anyone down. He felt a victim in his own movie and he didn't know how to get out of it. He got up slightly and the guy groaned. Charlie went back down and then held him again. He saw his hand was getting stained with the strangers blood. He held back the gag from his mouth since it was a hard situation for him. It was also not something that happened everyday. You don't just run to someone who got hit in the head with something strong or big or edged. It wasn't every day someone bleeds into your hands and you can't just do anything about it. It's not everyday that a guy's life is seriously held in your hands, "Who did this to you? Was it Bob? Sir. Are you okay? There's a chair right there? Was that the weapon?"

Charlie was almost pissed off by this point. How dare someone just leave someone like this? How dare someone leave him with this! Charlie didn't know what to do. He was a child at heart that didn't know what to do when it came down to this type of stuff. A normal adult shouldn't even have to witness something like this. It was clear that whoever did this didn't care for who was going to get the backlash of the situation. Was it on purpose? No it could not have been. Charlie could have sworn he heard Bob's voice but he could have been wrong. Who would this just because of an argument? Who would do such a thing if they weren't cold hearted. Bob couldn't have been cold hearted, he let Charlie on this trip, right? No one would do that and then do this just two days later. Unless it was a psychopath....or was it a sociopath? Charlie didn't know the difference. Charlie's head was going a miles a minute and didn't know where to stop. 

"I am going to get you some help," Charlie began getting help and the man began to spit up blood. Charlie had a few tears starting to pour out of his eyes as he watch the man struggle. Charlie's chest was going faster while the man's was going slower. Charlie's heart beat was growing quicker while the man's was deepening and slowing down. The man held Charlie's hand tightly and Charlie tried to let the man do it. Charlie bent down fully and held the man's hand and held the wound with the other. He started to cry louder as the man's eyes started to close. Charlie watched it not knowing he was just watching. He watched the guy take the last breath he would take on the world and he didn't know it was happening until it already passed. Charlie started to sob as he continued to hold the man's hand that didn't hold any strength in return, "Oh my god. Oh my-" Charlie sobs louder, "oh my god."

"Charlie!" Patrick went sprinting down the road he just took. His legs were going as fast they could go and the hat he was wearing that portrayed the march of the main act fell away and he continued sprinting to the Charlie who was now fainted next to the guy. His hand was still with the guys but Charlie was unconscious as Patrick got there. Patrick fell to the ground, dirt flying everywhere as he saw the guy and then Charlie. He didn't want to make any assumptions yet because he only heard Charlie cry. He didn't see anything and he didn't hear Charlie do anything. What Patrick saw was a panic attack that left Charlie fainting hard. "Charlie are you okay?"

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